Thursday, April 21, 2016

Time and Place

Time and Place                    4/21/2016

Another day is wasted
Thinking of nothing at all
Distracted ten different directions
Just skimming the surface
And ripe for a fall.

Desperate people
Do desperate things
Sunken down into depression
And killing themselves.

You can do it fast
Or you can do it slow
Just by giving up
And going with the flow. 

We try hard to keep going
But sometimes we fail
Flipping over backwards
And chasing our tails.

I drank it all away
Until I could take no more
Eating out my stomach
Naked on the floor. 

How many suffer
Right here and right now
Alone in their rooms
Too tired to care.  

Slurring their words
And veering off the walk
Afraid of the sunlight
And ashamed of themselves.  

The horror will haunt you
If you have seen it yourself
The sour taste of regret
Eating at your soul.

Yes I was foolish  
But I was also angry
Giving in to my emotions
For no reason at all. 

Blind to the consequences
Of each and every decision
Sleep walking off a cliff
Dead to the world. 

The ghosts are coming
But first they fill our heads
Whispering in our thoughts
Doubt, regret, and fear. 

One life mirrors the whole
And the whole reflects our fate
Teetering on false hope
And genuine terror. 

True enemies
Always come in false friends
Beware now more than ever
Date, name, and place.

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