Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Black Lace

The Black Veil                4/20/2016

Straight as razor
Splitting through space
A supersonic projectile
Determined and deadly.

Like a bolt of lightning 
Surging through our brains
The sudden awareness 
Of creeping horror.     

Sometimes we make a choice
But sometimes it is made for us
Converging upon us
Unaware and dumb. 

It is then
That we are confronted
With mere seconds to decide
The fate of eternity
In life or death.    

A long time coming
But now before us all
The violent spasms
Of dying men. 

The dawning has come
But many still sleep
Comfortable, smug
Protected, and rich.

To busy to notice 
The rising smoke
Burning through the cities
Far, far away.

The flames lick
At our foundation
But we have waxed
Fat and numb.   

Unable to grasp
How deep the hole
Or how far
The fall. 

A fool doubts the truth
But the truth is reality
The kind you see 
But everyone denies.  

Some will survive
And some will not
But now,
Now more than ever
Look around 
And look over. 

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