Friday, April 22, 2016


 Intersection                  4/22/2016

You can always hit the gas
But if you have done it blind
You will never again
Crippled, lucky, or dead.

No pain killer
Can stop it
The lethal nexus of will
And intent
Suffocating the good
One drop at a time.

Like I said before
There are no accidents
Neither in life
Or Russian Roulette
One in the chamber
Or one in your head.

Once it was a trickle
But now it’s a flood
All of it on purpose
Cruel, hateful and dumb.

God gave us a brain
But it’s a shame
We do not use it
Lukewarm and dull
Fearful, meek and bland.

Giving in
And giving up
We slowly kill ourselves
When all we ever had to do
Was say no. 

He said to turn your cheek
But never to stretch out your neck
As we mildly roll over
Cough twice and die.

Exposing our children
To every kind of horror
A monstrous red terror
Guaranteed to spread.

Afraid of words
And afraid of reputation
In a world turned upside down
Dying and doomed.

See them smile
And see them laugh
Mocking the honest
And insulting the good. 

Calling evil good
And good evil
The powerful bought
And the fearful

Ever bolder
And ever more brazen
As the clock dwindles down
Half passed midnight. 

Beware the desperate
And beware the evil
Far worse than you can imagine
And breathing down our neck.

For many a man
Has betrayed himself
By doubting the obvious
From below
And behind. 

Whatever may happen
Know this for sure
That evil men knew
Vain, hateful,
Jealous, and cruel. 

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