Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Arch and Omen

 Arch and Omen                    4/6/2016

Now you can see
The ugly truth  
Proudly in all its horror
Just as it always was
And is. 

Duped, used
Hoaxed and deceived
By our own good intentions
And venal men. 

The same in the end
As it was in the beginning
The murderer and usurper
Narcissistic and vain.

And now that the lie
Has grown
To where it cannot be sustained
The end game comes
Full of terror
And blood. 

It has all been a lie
And many who believed
Sacrificed themselves
Dead in trenches
Covered in mud. 

For someone else’s greed
And someone else’s power
They gave their all
And died for nothing.

Changing names and changing faces
People are placed
And then purged
Each for a reason
That we did not know. 

Our guts torn out
And our trust exploited
All by fake leaders
Bought and sold.

Pawns in a game
Upside down
And fake
Dupes to be used
For nothing at all. 

Betrayed at every turn
In smoke filled rooms
Everyone you ever knew
Or loved. 

Nothing but pets
Kept in the dark
Manipulated to act
On the same old cues.

The men behind the curtain
Never changed at all
Each pulling the same levers
Either to the left
Or the right. 

Used, betrayed
And sold out for nothing
Just because we woke up
And pulled back the veil.

God knows
And he saw it in a line
Knowing then
What we feel now
Hunted and persecuted.

The deluded will stay deluded
And evil will only grow bolder
Past the point of forgiveness
And lost in the black. 

Let them rage
And let them hate
Scrambling over each other
For a few scraps more. 

We shall do what we can
At each step faithful
And at each step strong
Standing straight
Until the very last moment
When almost every hope
Is gone. 

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