Friday, September 25, 2015


Waxing                      9/25/2015

If the world is a stage
Then how are we played
As we watch every rehearsal
Over and over again. 

Wax men and women
Memorized their lines
Predetermined jabs
Back and forth
For entertainment and fun. 

Preplanned and insincere 
The plastic statues gesture
Regurgitating sound bites
At just the right moment. 

They pretend to argue
And they pretend to debate
But all of them are the same
Bought and sold
Dead and dumb.

If someone told the truth
Would we even believe it
Engineered with guilt
And accustomed to fear. 

All eyes would be upon them
Dripping with hatred
Daggers drawn
Behind the curtains.

Pushing levers and blowing smoke
Our eyes follow the screen
Mesmerized by the spectacle
Of excess and narcissism.  

Feel the true hatred
And see from where it comes
Just waiting for the world to tilt
To do what they will. 

Beware when it happens
Once the critical mass is achieved
Stamping out all opposition,
Creativity, and belief.

Woe to him
That lacks the courage
Abandoning the courageous
To die alone. 

And woe to those
Who hide in their wealth
So afraid of losing
That they never live at all.   

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