Friday, September 18, 2015

Once Hidden

Once hidden                   9/18/2015

Far away from here
I was formed in the dark
Tethered to my mother
And floating in space.

Secluded and protected
Hidden and warm
Conceived in a rhythm
Incubated, and fed.

Alone and yet together
We are a miracle
And a mystery
Fully known and understood
By God and God alone.

When I didn’t know
I knew in my heart
Growing in a cocoon
And insulated from chaos.

Even then you knew me
And even then you saw
The future stretched out on a line
The beginning, the middle
And the end.

In that moment
All was possible
And all was good
Before I had ever tired
And failed. 

But, the impurities were there
Woven into to our DNA
Long since stained
And corrupted.

Looking backwards I see
But looking forwards I am blind
Trying and striving
Against myself.   

Lurking behind
Or around a corner
Evil has come
And laughed.

But you have saved me
And you save me still
Even when I do not know
And even when I gave up.

I strive again today
But only because of you
Against all the odds of eternity
Here I am
And here are you.  

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