Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Hydra    9/9/2015

Dead in the water
And floating face down
The used and useless
Wasted and dumb. 

By the time you feel the teeth
It is too late
And all you can do
Is roll over
And die. 

Choking on your blood
And gasping for breath
We gurgle and strain
Until we go limp
And die. 

Caught by the throat
Are the sleeping fools
Lambs before the slaughter
Thrice warned
And blind.

Is it foolishness?
Or is it by accident?
The methodical plans
Of evil men. 

Words can tell you everything
But, so also can silence
Giving away every treachery
Deep, disgusting and vile.

War on the good
And war on the innocent
Sacrificed to the little gods
Of hypocrisy and guilt.

So smart, we are dumb
And so foolish, we are blind
Ruled by committees of sycophants
Befuddled and effete.

Come and find the watcher!
Look and find the dead!
Springing forth are each
From a single drop of blood. 

No force can stay our might
And no enemy can kill our spirit
The gift once given
More than enough
And forever. 

The end of the beginning
And the beginning of the end
Each part written  
And each one the same.

Awaken at the voice
And listen for the clues
As time always shrinks to nothing
Once it's done
And once it's through.  

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