Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Tidal Pool

Tidal Pool                      9/16/2015

If I had what I wanted
I wouldn’t be here
Far away
And already gone. 

And if had done,
All that I dreamed
Then I would be dead
Wasted on the road
To nowhere.

I thought that I was safe
And that is what I clung to
The security of belonging
And the normalcy
Of acceptance. 

But how can we stop
What is greater than ourselves
Plucking us out
And throwing us down.  

I held on, as tight as I could
And I tried to stop the bleeding
Because that was all I knew
And that was all I had. 

Yes, I loved her
Perhaps more than I should have
More than my own life
And more than my own soul. 

Without her
There was nothing
Having never once considered
Who I was
Separate and alone.  

I had seen eternity
And I dove straight in
Drowning in her eyes
For what it seemed like forever.

But the dominoes fell
One after another
Cutting me off
And cutting me down. 

Wounded deeply
And left out to bleed
Disheveled and discarded
In the great wide open. 

A black veil descended
And colored the world
Marking my every move
And stealing my every pleasure.  

Falling down
And bleeding out
Under the weight of a loss
Far too heavy to lift. 

I did not know then
What I know now
Because who can ever grow
With everything they wanted.

Now I see
And now I know
That dreams are only dreams
And feelings, are only feelings.

In a time of lies
The truth becomes the enemy
Punished at every turn
No matter how disgusting. 

And in a time of deception
Even the good fall
Extorted and engineered 
An inch at a time
Giving in, and giving up.     

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