Friday, September 11, 2015

Side by Side

Side by Side                          9/11/2015

The puppets dance
And speak in shrill voices
Parroting the words of another
Predictable and dumb.

As if their words mean a thing
When we all know
That it’s a lie
No matter how big
Or how often.

Obvious is the truth
Hiding behind a curtain
The light piercing through
Exposing everything
With contrast and shadow.

Reality means more
And wisdom demands perspective
The ability to observe
Acknowledge, and act. 

Without risk
We never grow
Because the easy road
Leads to decay and death.

But for us
We are like parallel lines
Our lives extending forward
And unbending.

Bound together
Even if, we have not met
Rising or falling
Side by side.    

Different but the same
Even without intersecting
Bonded by something
Far greater
Than what we see.

All that is lost
Will return
No matter how far
Or how long. 

Hell shall never prevail
No matter how much they kill
Already determined, defeated,
And condemned.

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