Thursday, September 10, 2015

Double Exposure

Double Exposure    9/10/2015

We are dovetailed together
The ancient and the new
Connected by a silver chord
Invisible, ethereal,
But true.   

But we come closed
To an open book
Unable to stretch
Or understand.

Dumber than,
We were as children
Who knew not
To be afraid. 

Programmed to regurgitate
All that we are fed
So that we chew on the same food
Without taste or flavor.

Desensitized to atrocity
And corruption
Unacceptable to those
Merely a generation ago. 

We stumble and look around
Shocked by the sudden barbarity
And everywhere. 

One minute smiling
And shaking our hand
The next bludgeoning the innocent
And laughing with glee.

While we sleep
The serpent crawls
In the same unending assault
Since time immemorial.

Too afraid to mention
That a snake is still a snake
Same as it was
And will always be. 

Reflexively suppressing
The essential intuitive spark
The one we should have heeded
All along. 

The truth is in the words
And they are played out
Over and over again
No matter what we wish
Or what we are told. 

The world tilts from the flood
And now we see the carnage
Coursing in rivulets
Of acid, bile, and blood. 

Cursing ourselves
For the oldest mistakes
Forgetting who we are
And why we are here. 

But, without pain
There is no joy
And without suffering
There is no laughter.

A man controlled
Spins in his grave
But a curious spirit
Can find a priceless treasure. 

Let no one crush the truth
For it shines eternal
Revealing everything
In cold, clear, light.

A spirit and a soul
Intricately knit together
Bound to the voice of conscience
In the highest sense of self.

A sociopath will never have it
Remaining a slave to the vacuum
Of ignorant want
But beware the psychopath
Who knows to pretend. 

Counting on us
To once again roll over
Stretching out our necks
For the last and final blow.   

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