Monday, September 21, 2015

The wait

The Wait            9/21/2015

Come think of this
And come think of me
The one you used to know
So full of life
And free. 

Before I knew
And before I was aware
A lot less self-conscious
Unafraid and chaotic.

Back then
It was others
Who worried about me
But now it is I who worry
About everyone
And everything. 

Cut off and cut out
Deeply wounded
And alone
Falling and falling
Inside of myself.

I cried out
But no one heard
Unable to stop the bleeding
Inside or out.

Birth and death
Abandonment and grief
Cut to pieces
And traded away.

My sense of self shattered
And all faith in man destroyed
Cut off in the middle
And left out to die. 

Split into two
The before and the after
A man inside himself
Struggling against his brother. 

The fools may win
But in the end
They always die
Starving themselves
Out of stupidity and pride. 

The trip wire is sprung
And all the fixers plot
Working against the truth
Just as they always have. 

Either way
It will not be easy
But either way
We are awake
And we are ready. 

The seed cannot grow
Until it dies
And love cannot conquer
Until it bleeds.

Ten times more
And ten thousand times stronger
The quiet man
Awakened at last. 

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