Wednesday, September 9, 2015


12:03                                                                 9/9/2015 

It’s three minutes past midnight
And where are we now
Still believing what we want
And still doing what we are told.

It is not an accident
That the flood comes
Picking up what we love
And carrying it all away.

The river starts in the mountains
And then it races to the sea
Cutting a groove in the land
Flowing downhill forever
Eternal and cold.

If you look downstream
You can see the end           
Be it good
Or be it evil.

Evil breeds in a vacuum
And conquers without opposition
Using deception
And lies
To get what it what it wants.

The good sleep
And the good believe
Manipulated and engineered
Since the age of five.

You can argue over cake
And we can fight over
A piece of paper
But in the end
It is all ashes
Blowing in the wind. 

Who are we pleasing
With all of our opinions
Be it popular or safe
Comical or dumb. 

Trading away those who raised us
And covering them with dirt
All for a momentary comfort
Soon gone away. 

Others fought
And said “never again”
But now we watch
It all go up in flames. 

Brighter than the sun
And stripping away flesh
All the power of the universe
Harnessed and eclipsed. 

Invaded by a Trojan horse
And deceived at every turn
The obvious betrayal
Orchestrated on cue. 

It is no accident
That man hates man
But the real hater is hidden
And always above reproach. 

But the real throne is empty
And awaits a worthy king
The one many have forgotten
Still revered by the good
The few, and the forgiven.    

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