Thursday, July 23, 2015


Rumors     7/23/2015

Beaten, shot, or stomped
Crushed, strangled, and burned
The innocent murdered
Out of hatred and envy.

Pride was the first sin
Long before we ever knew
Malignant, arrogant,
Vain, and cruel. 

The cages have been opened
And now the beasts emerge
Seething with hatred
To kill while they can.     

Their fate is sealed
But how much worse for the keeper
Driving them on
And setting them free.  

Words have great power
But silence, can tell you everything
That you ever needed to know
If only the foolish could see  
What they didn’t want to know.

Yes it is a rumor
And yes, it is a war
As the world consumes itself
Back to back
And surrounded by ghosts.  

Drink it in
And swallow it down
But, turn it in to something
That no one, has seen before.

Truth will always be bigger
Than even the most acceptable lie
No matter how varied or often
It is spoken or forced. 

No amount of money
And no amount of threat
Shall ever snuff it out
No matter the carrot
And no matter the stick. 

We who have walked softly
See the beast, for the trees
Hiding and waiting
To savage and consume. 

Turn over the table
And behold the betrayers
Enabled by the sick
Twice doomed, and dead.

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