Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Grape Juice

Grape Juice     7/14/2015

I saw it sitting there
On the side of the road
As I drove home from work
Under a hot afternoon sun. 

Something caught my eye
In a pile of junk
So I turned back around
Just to see what it was. 

Ignoring the painted sign
That said that it was all free
I zeroed in on a wine press
Rusting in the grass.

Without hesitation
I popped it, in my trunk
And headed home to my house
To examine what I found.

I scrubbed off the rust
And oiled everything down
Peeling back the decades
To a world long past by.

Once my father made wine
But the bottles exploded in the attic
A long time ago
And far away from here. 

When I was finished
I looked at the wine press
And gently turned the screw
Just as smooth now
As it probably was then.

We have forgotten
And we have lost our way
Leaving behind many
To die
Or waste away.

We had every warning
And we had every chance
As we turn the screw over
Wasted dumb and dead.

Evil thrives
And multiplies
But nothing lasts forever
Or unpunished.

The field is ripe
Now watch it all turn
Just like we should have known
Many years ago. 

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