Thursday, July 23, 2015


Since, I am not writing tomorrow (Friday), I wrote this today.  

Worthless   7/23/2015

If you never felt worthless
Then you have not lived
And if you never felt blessed
Then you do not understand.

Happiness comes undeserved
Like a child’s laughter
Or a cool river
On a hot summer day. 

But hardship gives us a memory
That you never want to lose
Helping us to remember
Perspective and gratitude. 

But patience is the hardest thing
That I have ever learned
A pain in the pit of my stomach
With each thankless hour.  

There are some dreams
That I may never have
And there is an emptiness
That may never be filled.

But that longing
And dissatisfaction
Is universal,
As we all seek to regain
Heaven on earth. 

For now, the world remains
What it is
And has been
A gift rejected,
Corrupted, and spoiled.

An apple crawling with worms
And a pond of floating fish
Deceived from the beginning
By vanity and pride.

But even when worthless
We have love
The greatest gift
Uncorrupted and alive.

We live
And we survive
Provided for
And inspired
To conquer
And thrive.

Our flames grow brighter
And they shall never go out
Now that we know in our hearts
That we are not
And never have been, alone. 

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