Monday, July 6, 2015


Tsunami             7/6/2015

The clouds parted
And the sun burned my skin
Blazing downwards
And shattered upon the waves.

The boat churned the water
And the bow bounced up and down
Skimming the waves
In a white and frothy wake. 

The engines slowed
And it was then, that I remembered
The smell of sunscreen,
Lake water, and gasoline
Under the bridge,
And long passed by. 

We escaped on the water
And for a brief moment
There was laughter
And joy. 

But like all things glorious
They are as brilliant
As they are short
And we returned to earth
With sand in our teeth.

Today the world is smaller
And I can barely remember the songs
The ones my father sang
Laughing at the wheel.   

Evil has erupted
And it grows from the inside out
Corrupting everything
And infecting everyone. 

Wedging in the smallest crack
And expanding against the sides
Cracking us like an eggshell
Until we all fall apart.

Are you still sleeping?
Or are you awake?
Because now more than ever
We had better hear the call.

With time and distance
The voice grows faint
Until it becomes
Nothing more than a whisper
In the back of our brain. 

But, you know it when you hear it
And you know it when you feel it
The horrible creeping fear
That you chose the wrong solution
And now it’s too fucking late. 

We ran from reality
For as long as we could
But no one can escape
The consequence
That hits like a tsunami. 

Struck from behind
Or cut through the middle
We stagger in a circle
And cry out in vain. 

It is the old truth
The one that we forgot
Covered up with cat litter
And obfuscated with lies. 

We can call good evil
And  we can trade light for darkness
But no one can escape the flood
Carrying us all away. 

The locusts come
And the foundations crack
As all the blessings, others won
Are consumed in an hour. 

The deck is stacked
And only a fool can pretend
That we are not the hated
Or the hunted. 

The truth will come out
No matter how hard they try
Every day and everywhere
Touching you
And touching me.   

Whatever we do now
We will live with forever
As the innocent rise
Even if murdered
And even if maligned. 

So go ahead and listen
As the music keeps playing 
Knee deep in water
Smug, dead, and dumb. 

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