Monday, July 20, 2015


Bemused                      7/20/2014

We are taught to doubt
What we already knew
The first instincts were learned
As children, observing the world. 

Hatred and evil exists
But it’s not like they say
Eating us away like acid
From the inside out.

The fuse is lit
And the flames are rising higher
Just as predictable as the sun
Twice as obvious
And twice as dumb. 

We can walk
Or we can run
But if you see the cliff coming
It may not matter much.   

There are two sides on a coin,
But we should all see by now
That no matter how much, you flip it
It will always be the same. 

Fake opinions
And fake opposition
Just enough to keep us going
Until it’s too late. 

Desperate men
Do desperate things
As they seek to keep power
As a means to an end. 

Colluding with each other
To squash all opposition
As they inventing insults
And fake controversies. 

Incrementally conditioned
To give up and give in
To the never ending onslaught
Of tyranny and control. 

Marginalized and ridiculed
The truth becomes the enemy
As any who dare disclose it
Are ostracized and abused.

Easily distracted
And easily amused
We fall face first
For a flash in the pan. 

The circus goes on
But while we argue about nothing
Our feet are on fire
And no one says a word. 

When all is done
Who will be at fault?
Those who murdered?
Or those who,
Never did a thing?

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