Monday, July 13, 2015


Deleterious                                  7/13/2015

Time flows under
And outward
In an endless stream
As we swirl in a circle
Dragged by the current. 

At death we are forgotten
And our names are erased
As those who come later
Seek to destroy
What others had achieved.

It is all around us
The eternal truth
The same now as then
Predictable and sad.

The more we try
And thrash about
The more we sink
And flail our arms. 

But the day we let go
And accept
Is the day we float
And rise.

My name doesn’t matter
And what I leave behind
Is what I leave behind
Nothing gained
And nothing lost. 

All we have is love
Both what we give
And what we take
Our words defining our actions
Known and unknown.

That is all
And that is what
We will live with
Both now and forever. 

Either we know the value
Or we do not
And there is nothing
Anyone can do
But soak it in
And think.

The dead are alive
And already they are watching
Waiting just one door over
From the here and now. 

Others have seen
And others have known
Aware in their hearts
Of what cannot be seen
Or proven. 

Reality is experience
And experience cannot lie
If only we opened our eyes
Without foolish pride. 

We have buried the pearls
And broken the shells
Oblivious to the treasure
Crushed underfoot.

Nothing changes
Except the seasons
As we forget
And waste away.

My name was struck
And erased from memory
Discarded like trash
Useless and wasted.

But it’s hard to see the termites
Until you tear up the wall
Turning the tables upside down
Ripped open
And exposed. 

All our best efforts
Still rot in the rain
And all of this evil
Will still end up
The same. 

Pluck out the splinter
And wash out your eyes
Just so you can see  
And now know. 

The truth is exposed
Now watch it, all fall apart
But not before they spasm
And destroy
Whatever they can. 

The water flows out to sea
And sinks in the dead
Washing clean what remains
In endless silver streams. 

A double helix
Of unintended consequences
Leading us home
Either up or down. 

In the end
It is obvious
No matter what we try
Punching at shadows
And screaming in the wind.    

Facts may not lie
But they can be obfuscated
Manipulated any which way
To show what we want.

Beware the liars
Same now
As they were then
Growing bolder every day
Savage and murderous. 

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