Monday, July 27, 2015

Key Grip

Key Grip        7/27/2015

Endless as a summer afternoon
Burned into memory
Weightless long after the day is done
Undulating with the waves.
The anchor got stuck
So we all pulled together
Struggling against the unknown
Deep beneath the black. 

The rope burned our hands
As we strained against the weight
Pulling, resting
And pulling some more. 

Out of the depths
Emerged a tree
A tangled mass
Black shiny and slick. 

Freeing the anchor
The tree sank
Back down from whence it came
And buried forever. 

Many secrets
Sleep in the depths
Long since covered over
And forgotten. 

But no secret is hidden forever
And no skeleton
Shall remain unexposed
Even in the dirt
And under the sea.

Many sleep
Face down in their bowl
Content only to eat,
Consumer and destroy.

Gobbling up
Whatever is before them
With no imagination
Or courage. 

They shall eat
And they shall sleep
Unaware of danger
And numb to the poison. 

Let them eat
And let them sleep
For that is the price of blindness
And greed. 

But let us stay awake
And let us keep trying
Even when there is no hope
And no way out.   

Be he who is with us
Is stronger than the world
And death has no power
His grip broken
And dead forever. 

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