Thursday, July 9, 2015

Second Sun

Second Sun 7/9/2015

Second hoax
Same as the first
One to get you going
And another
To make you dead.

I struggle against inertia
And I wrestle in my sleep
Nursing the same old wounds
That never seem to heal.

Others rise up
And walk with us
live and sharing
Until they fall over
Stolen from behind.

If you could pick up
All the pieces
Then you might solve the problem
Filling in the puzzle
And see where we fit.

We thought we knew
But we did not
Because we were nothing but an experiment
Floating in a jar.

Socially engineered
To do think what they wanted
Unsuspecting and dumb
We believed what we were told
But it was never true at all.

If they have done it once
Then they might try it again
The worst instincts of man
Curling around our neck. 

Life is precious
But no one gets out alive
And it’s useless to argue
If you can’t tell the truth.

You can’t erase it
And you can’t cover it up
Coming back like a dead zombie
Soulless and dumb.

The spawn has arrived
Now watch it grow and stew
A new normal of savage atrocity
Real and unreal.

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