Friday, May 29, 2015

Silent Victory

Silent Victory    5/29/2015

I turned on Martins Farm
Near Suwanee Dam road
Hung a left Kings Street
Tracing my way 
To see where it went.   

I memorized the directions
Straight passed the gatehouse
Making only one more left
And I was there.

When I was happy
I could not hurt a fly
And when I was content
Anything could be forgiven.

But some men have demons
And some men
Have no soul
Long ago consumed by hatred
No matter how much they stole.

Jealous and insecure
They must win every time
Desperately seeking 
Another way to prove it
Every chance they get. 

Tonight my house is full of life
But I know, what it’s like
To be all alone
In a house of countless memories
Silent and deafening. 

Tonight there will be ghosts
In the mansion
Cursing in his ears
And crying out names
No one has ever heard.

Evil grows in darkness
And rot metastases with betrayal
Spreading through the blood stream
Like poisonous venom.  

Driving away
It didn’t hurt at all
A smile creeping across my face
A silent and beautiful victory
Unknown and unseen. 

No one may ever know
And no one may ever see
But the greatest struggles
Have often been fought
And won in silence.

Others can tilt at windmills
And others can poke at the wind
Punching at a wisp of smoke
Curling between their fingers.

I am free
Even with less
And I became, more than a victor
The day I learned
To master my emotions. 

Open your eyes
Because tomorrow the fight goes on
Each and every day
From the inside out. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Duration            5/27/2015

I bled for 418 days
Before I even knew 
What I had lost
Agonizing through, ten thousand hours
Neither, dead or alive.

The blessing comes undeserved
But it remains
Through character
And integrity. 

But anything can happen
And anything can change
As we all watch dumbfounded
A slow rolling disaster.

A sacrifice
Split our world in half
Cutting us off
Neither halfway up
Or halfway down.

A televised kill zone
Triangulated on cue
As we all crawl forward
One inch at a time.

It is a strange thing
To view the past backwards
Lost down a rabbit hole
And far away from home.

Up is down
And down is up
Where reality is fake
And the truth a riddle.

Desensitized to death
The murders become a ritual
Focused by a camera
And socially engineered.

Even what is random
Can make sense from afar
But the future remains a mystery 
That no one can predict. 

Time elapses,
And folds over upon itself
Only because we do not believe 
And doubt the truth.   

It has been 3,460 days
Since I last, was sleeping
Awakened in the night
Snake bitten and dead.

Keep going 
And keep watching 
Always awake 
And always alert.



Tuesday, May 26, 2015


 Stalked      5/26/2015

People don’t know
And they don’t ask
Even though they fear it
And feel it
In their heart.

Maybe it’s because
They would rather pretend
As we are all trained to ignore
The elephant in the room  
And the bones under the floor.

Some days, all can seem well
But the strange heaviness
Always remains 
The extra sensory perception
Of intensifying pressure.

Growing stronger every day
And straining under our feet 
Until the rocks give way
And the pressure is released
In a bloody spasm.

Sometimes we keep going 
Because we forget 
But in the end we survive 
Because we remember.  
Everything was good
And I felt such pleasant contentment
Thinking that I was lucky
And that I was immune.

Safe enough to be indulged
Without rivals or care
Easing back on the beach
With my hands behind my head. 

Drifting in a day dream
As I rested on the beach
Feeling the sun on my face
And the surf in my ear.

But pride is our ruin
And jealousy like a dagger
Puncturing the heart
And severing the spine.

Unaware, we are vulnerable 
And, as our eyes become heavy 
We tempt the tiger
As an easy kill 
Fresh and dumb.

Never sleeping,
And ever alert
Always watchful,
And stalking

I thought I had, all I needed
And I dreamed that I was safe
But no one ever is
And no one ever was. 

Evil was crouching 
And waiting in the bush
Tensing the sinews
And drooling from the mouth. 

Pouncing, at just the right moment
And sinking teeth, into flesh
Ripping and tearing
To kill and eat.

Some wounds, you can see
But others, you cannot
But all, are just as real,
And just as deadly. 

My body survived,
But my spirit was crushed
Broken, splintered
And shattered on the sand. 

Deflated and limp
I was drug in the bush
Offered up to the scavengers
To devour
And defile. 
Now, I fight to stay awake
And sit upright in my chair
Remembering how it felt
To relax and rest my head.

Watching others 
And watching the world
Drifting off again and again
And wishing we were awake.   


Friday, May 22, 2015

The Shadow Box

Two thoughts  5/22/2015


Maybe you didn’t know
And maybe you haven’t heard
That another person was murdered
And nobody said a word. 

The day you cannot criticize
Is the day. the deed is done
As the untouchable swim in a circle
To eat us, 
One by one.

An army of locusts
Eats across the sand
Sucking up all the blood
In a plague upon man. 

While we argue over nothing
They continue down the path
Burning, beating and killing
Everything they can.

I was left with nothing
So I had to pay the price
Learning how to walk
And learning how to swim.

They broke my knees
But I still, stood up to stand
Knowing why
And knowing how. 

It is not enough to steal
Because they know it hurts
If you know
So they make sure you see, 
And they can show.

This is the day
And this is the dark
Where we find ourselves
Awake in a nightmare.  

Less than nothing
A double negative
Beneath three zeros
And there you have it
None of the above or neither.

This is a time of nothingness
As the dumb dogs snarl
Eating each other
In a kill chain
And fighting over the bones. 


But a good man
Should do what he can
Even here
And even now.   

I swallowed it down
And turned to what I had
Finding everything I treasured
And loving them anyway.

I glued my memories
In a shadow box
Sea shells and toys
Magnets and pins.

The little sentimental reminders
From a time before
Bits and pieces of time
Of varied meaning.

I cut my finger
While cleaning the glass
So I hid two droplets
Inside a hidden corner. 

A perfect seal
From imperfect hands
Carefully placed
In a box of dreams.

The best things in life
Are what we give away
The lesson my father taught me
In a full and rich season
Many years ago.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Needy Bleeds

 The Needy Bleeds                 5/21/2015

In just one day
Or in a single hour
So much can change
As we all wait for something
Or anything at all.

We sit in chairs
And stand in lines
All of us waiting
For money or for food.

Beneath the all the details
There is the dichotomy
We live
And we die
Unwilling captives
On our way to the end. 

We chase the rabbit
Or lunge at the carrot
For the most part
Without question
Or thought. 

Reality hits hard 
But at different times
And in different ways
As either, we wake up
Or just roll over. 

I can stare at the ceiling
Or I can stare at the wall
Inanimate as a box
Dead or alive. 

We pull the lever
And get, what we want
But none of it, will feed the soul
And none of it
Will last. 

We don’t speak
And we don’t listen
So we never learn
And never grow. 

Wasting our time
Dancing in a circle
Hedging our bets
Manipulated and dumb.

Next to us
Is the killer
Unable to escape
A splintered psyche
And violent urges.

Joking one minute
And slashing the next
No more an man
Than a beast.

We eat, and we drink
We work, and we earn
Buying, and selling
Mere inches from hell.

And unprepared
Victims of desires
We do not understand. 

We survive 
But never understand 
That all we had to do 
Was swallow our pride
And try something new.