Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Secret Sun

The Secret Sun 6/12/2013

What does it take?
To open up our eyes
When ambitious men
Mortgage our dreams
And sell out our kids.

Dealing in back rooms
For a little more money
And a scratch on the back
Destroying the future
For those yet unborn.

Oblivious to the will
Of those who did the work
And compromising with evil
Every step of the way.

Honest men are scrutinized
And persecuted
While murderous leeches
Are coddled
And praised.

The shadow has come
And blocks out the sun
As evil men act without check
To hunt down the innocent.

Silently stalking
The sacrificial lambs
Just for their beliefs
And just for their faith.

Ridiculing the good
Who would dare speak the truth
All for a hatred
No man can cure
And no murder can satisfy.

You could see it coming
From a million miles away
And the inability to act
Has condemned us all.

It all leads to something
As you follow the snake
From the tail to the head
And the head to the tail.

And it just might be
As simple as it looks
A long and drawn out death pageant
From now until the end.

The bottom feeds the top
And the top rots the bottom
Growing inside
One cell at a time.

You could not have dreamed it better
This long slow suicide
Bleeding out drop by drop
At first a trickle
And finally a flood.

I look to the horizon
And I can see the secret sun
Black as death
And burning us away.

Not much is left
To stop what is coming
Because many did nothing
And stood to the side.

Their hearts have withered
Because they loved position
More than people
And surrendered their principles
One day at a time.

There is no place left to hide
Once the rebels are crushed
As we stand against the wall
Condemned, slaughtered, and dead.

But count me, among the good
Even if I must lose
Because love is greater than death
And the Lord has conquered the world.

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