Friday, June 7, 2013


Refraction 6/7/2013

Shine a light through a diamond
And tell me my dreams
Because nobody can guess
What even I
Did not make.

No one knows completely
The thoughts of another
Even though some may try
And some may guess
They will never know for sure.

The blood pumps through the body
And the air flows through the lungs
But thoughts move through our brains
Between memory, conscience
And soul.

My spirit moves freely
Inside and out
Flowing through me
On its way to somewhere else.

There is nothing brilliant about lying
And there is nothing intelligent
About resentment, hatred, and jealousy
Because a truly great man knows
That it’s not about him
But rather everyone else.

There is a gift in giving
And a joy in forgiving
A transformative power of rejuvenation
Nurturing the soul
And feeding the spirit.

What I do
Is ask
And what I believe
Makes it real
Making me more than
What you see
Immeasurable, uncontainable,
And free.

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