Monday, June 24, 2013

Apple Mouth

Apple Mouth 6/24/2013

Apple cider, juice, and moonshine
Tastes like apple pie in my mouth
Soothing on the tongue
And burning in my stomach.

A day in the country
Hidden from the world
Tucked away in the woods
Peaceful and green.

I can’t go back
But today, I can laugh
Sitting back and watching the kids play
Just like I used to do.

The sounds of their voices
Echo in my ears
Trickling down easy
Just like it should.

There is no better place
And there is no better reason
Than loving the moment
No matter what you have
Or what you lost.

It all comes back
In unexpected ways
Fuller, richer
And deeper.

I’ll run this road
Over and over again
More than I ever wanted
And better every time.

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