Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Tree Tops

Tree Tops 6/5/2013

Some wander in the desert
And some run naked
Through the trees
But I had to climb a rock
Before I could ever understand,
Open my eyes, and see.

Things are not always
As they appear
And it takes more than effort
If your heart is proud.

When I tried to have it all
I was left with nothing
And when I gave up trying
Everything fell into place.

For some life if a chess game
And they carefully consider their moves
While others give into their emotions
And charge straight ahead.

But there is no perfect way
And there is no beautiful ending
If all you care about is proving
How worthy you are.

I have dreams
That may never come true
But I also have blessings
That I never knew to ask.

All around you and me
There is always joy and beauty
If only we stop, look
Accept, and pray.

It is now,
As I look across the tree tops
That I realize the truth
That I have lost nothing
And have everything I see.

Nothing has ended
And even now
We live through each other
Everything and everyone
Just waiting,
To return.

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