Monday, June 10, 2013

The Exit Ramp

The Exit Ramp 6/10/2013

Its ok, if I don’t understand
Because someday I will
And its ok, If I don’t know
Because someday
It will all fit together
And then, I will smile.

At the end of the show
I have to go outside
And face the world
Indifferent, cruel, and cold.

And it doesn’t matter
What men may say
Or how well, they have spun
The wool over my eyes.

We will walk home
And watch all the people
As they show us the truth
Again and again.

I can see what they do
And I can see what they want
The opposite of what they say
Today, and tomorrow,
Just like yesterday.

You can see it
From miles away
As they keep doing the same thing
Predictable and dumb.

The good are bad
And the evil are good
All puffed up before us
And swaggering across the stage.

But all they do
Is shake up the bottle
And kick it down the street
Never acknowledging what they do
Or what it costs.

The lid comes off
As it always does
And then what will they say?
And what will they do?

Its ok, to make mistakes
As long as you admit them
And its ok, to be wrong
If you are strong enough
To change.

But some have dug a hole
And backed themselves into it
Desperately clinging to a lie
That was never true at all.

I can’t speak for them
And I can’t speak for you
But only in the now
Can I speak for me.

Nothing is better
Than living in the truth
No matter how much time
We have wasted
Or how far
We have strayed.

Pride has killed many
And it still lurks in our hearts
Watch it all around us
And see what it does.

It only hurts a little bit
To say that you are sorry
And men that never can
Will never learn a thing.

Here I am
And here are you
And today can be the greatest day
If only we can learn
And grow.

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