Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Dead Finger

Dead Finger 6/11/2013

You don’t come here
And expect to see the sun
Passing over our heads
Behind a thick gray soup.

And I did not sleep
Through the night
In order to waste the day
Even though I have
And will again.

What I was, is gone
Now and forever
But what I am
I was meant to be
Long before
I was born.

And it does not matter to me
If someone should follow
Or if they should go
But what matters is the process
Of imagining who you are.

Without curiosity
And freedom
What would we be?
Nothing but a sack of flesh
That shrivels up and dies.

We all search for meaning
And we all want to understand
But for some it is not enough
As they seek to possess
And control.

They do not rest
And they do not laugh
But neither can they build
Or create.

Their hell is all around us
And it creeps in every crack
Rising into the air
Like a poison gas
To subdue and kill.

Its tendrils like fingers
Reaching in our mouth and nose
To snuff out our life
One thought at a time.

But even this is not new
And it should not be a surprise
Because we always knew
Deep in our hearts
The lies from the truth
And the light from the darkness.

Evil men can lie and steal
And evil men can hate
But they will never grow
And they will never be great.

I can survive in the dark
And I can wait if I must
Because nothing lasts forever
And it is they
Who have lit the fuse.

All this and more
Shall all fall down
Breaking apart
And come crashing down.

In the meantime
I will set myself apart
And remember your words
Surrounded by their promise
And keeping them forever
In my heart
And on my lips.

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