Thursday, June 27, 2013

Deeper and Deeper

Digging Deep 6/27/2013

The hole is deep
And it always gets deeper
Because we have dug for a long time
And no longer
Can we climb out.

At some point you know
What matters to man
Nothing but comfort and safety
Even if it hurts
The good and the free.

But they always come back
When it has to be paid
But no matter how much we give
It will never be enough
To pay the bills
Or cover up the truth.

Today is another day
And we are too busy to think
Weighted down with a future
We may never live to see.

Nothing more than an end
To someone else' s needs
A cog in the machine
Useful as long as I am compliant
And work until I am dead.

But nothing works without the cog
And without the engine
All movement stops
And rusts in the sun.

Someone had to think
And someone had to write
Creating something out of nothing
For others to use
And enjoy.

A good man will always be needed
Whether his is appreciated or not
And that is the crucial point
No one can see.

All you have to do is
Stop feeding the beast
And he will soon learn
What it is
That he must do.

Beasts survive
At the kindness of the good
And the good shall survive
No matter what.

Though our money can be taken
And our secrets searched
No man can ever duplicate
What the God has inspired
And his spirit creates.

The power is ours
If only we knew it
In a million countless ways
To overcome the world.

Nothing is forever
And neither is this
and what seems inevitable to man
Can change in a moment
If we believe
And if we pray.

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