Thursday, June 13, 2013

There Lived a Man

In memory of my Father 12/25/1923 -- 06/12/2013

There Lived a Man

My father died in his sleep
Peacefully leaving this world for good
Severing the last link
Between me,
And yesterday.

He was born into
The greatest generation
Men who fought against tyranny
From the Beaches of Normandy
To the home islands of Japan.

They who knew the hardships
Of depression and want
But who built a wealth
That astounded the world.

They didn’t need to ask permission
And they didn’t ask for any help
Building a new world
All by themselves
For others to waste
And misuse.

My father taught me the truth
And he taught me
The difference, between right and wrong
And never to blame or make excuses
For what I myself
Had done wrong.

From my earliest memories
Riding on his back
To the last time
I saw his face
He was, and is
The greatest man
That I ever knew.

There is no way to count
All the wisdom he gave
And his intelligence and judgment
I respect more every day.

He was not a respecter of persons
And he treated everyone the same
But my father always knew
That respect was earned
And no one should be preferred.

He gave me a gift
More precious
Than anything I have
An unconditional love
That I can never lose.

No one ever taught him
What it was to be a man
An orphan of the dust bowl
All alone in the world.

He never knew his father
But I sure knew him
There with me
Every step of the way
No matter how many times
I fell.

He taught me how to ride a bike
And he taught me to clean a fish
But the best thing he ever gave me
Was the courage
To do what was right.

He was a humble man
Who never took credit for a thing
But I was always so proud of him
When strangers told me
All that he had done.

I love you Dad
And I miss you
The world is now even more colorless
Than yesterday
And more pointless
Than today.

Now my parents are gone
And with them passes the age
Like so many others
Suspended in time.

Now we carry on
The burden
All by ourselves
Facing new enemies
And new tyranny.

There is no one, else to ask
And it is up to us
To step off the boat
And storm the shore.

That he is in a better place
I have not a single doubt
Finally receiving his reward
For a life well lived
And fully served.

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