Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Back Room

The Back Room 6/26/2013

Sometimes the pieces are small
And you just can’t find them
But sometimes patterns are so big
They're impossible to ignore.

And it doesn’t matter
What anyone said was intended
When the good will suffer
And the horror shall spread.

Its not like
We are the first
And even now
If you can search,
Then you can know.

None have survived
Division or lies
And none have endured
Corruption and greed.

Just because you can buy a crown
Doesn’t make you a king.
And just because some have power
Doesn’t make them a leader.

Remember the fools
Who have wallowed in dirt
Clinging to promises
And cowering in fear.

It is on their heads
That all of this, shall fall
Long after they die
Others shall suffer,
Starve, and cry.

Worship a man
And see where it leads
As they leave you to twist
And jerk in the wind.

The good men raced to help
And then they waited to die
Left to hang by the evil
Without remorse or honor.

Their end shall come suddenly
Unexpected and sure
As they fall into the hole
That they themselves have dug.

The good shall live
And the privileged shall fall
Fat off the spoils
Unearned, unappreciated
And undeserved.

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