Monday, March 26, 2012


Glisten 3/26/2012

Some things
Are just too good to last
Like a golden reflection
That glistens in the sun.

Flashing for an instant
Without notice or plan
Burning into our soul
And then it vanishes
Gone forever.

Like a meteor
Burning through the night
Tearing across the sky
Gone, almost before you see it
In the blink of an eye.

The good are taken
Innocent and pure
And the brilliant are snuffed out
Leaving a soft afterglow
In the middle of our minds.

Like soft lips on the beach
That taste like melted butter
As the sunrays bounce off the waves
Lingering on your eyelids
And glowing in the brain.

We are just spectators
To the brilliance of God
Enthralled by the beauty
We can never recreate.

Craning our necks to see
The lights in the sky
Suspended like glass spheres
Eternal and remote.

The soft summer breeze
Rushes through me
Cooling me down
At just the right time.

Like invisible spirits
That come again and again
To caress their loved ones
Dead and gone.

Standing in a field
Or laying in bed
Looking backwards into memory
And laughing.

Come again comet
And streak through my sky
Because before, I was just looking
But now I am changed
Transformed by a moment
And never again, the same.

Love me again
And kiss me once more
Long and slow
Bringing me back, to the beginning
With time to kill.

Life is quick
And love is fleeting
But it’s ok, to wait
Unexpectedly returning
All over again.

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