Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Desperation 3/6/2012

Waiting in a car
And riding down the rails
Just a second away from calamity
And a heart beat from death.

There are the trying times
When the numbness of waiting
Takes its toll
As we look for any kind of thrill
Just to stay awake.

Time seems to grind to a stop
And everything takes forever
Weighing down our spirits
Heavy, thick, and hot.

It is these desperate hours
That makes us hurt ourselves
Because we yearn for escape
And long for freedom.

There is no way to safely express
The way we really feel
So we never tell the truth
And just keep on smiling.

Everyone pretends
And hopes against hope
While the fire licks at our feet
And the smoke burns our lungs.

I wanted to escape
And I wanted to start over
To have a blank slate
And live all over again.

To make the right choices
At all the right times
Holding on to the precious moments
And never let go.

But all real men
Should know the truth
That you can never go back
Once you have lost.

This is for the broken hearted
And those who wait upon the end
Hoping against hope
And praying in their minds.

I also understand
What it feels like
And If I can survive
Then many others will.

Getting up and walking
One foot in front of the other
Day after day
And night after night.

All of this shall end
And that is not so bad
Because we will need
What we have learned
Down the road.

It is never too late
For one man to love
Giving what he has left
Without expectations.

To live in the now
With all of his heart
Giving with a glad heart
No matter what.

We are worthy
Because we know
And survive
Ten times stronger
And more than enough.

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