Monday, March 12, 2012


Buried 3/12/2012

The graves are empty
Partially dug and abandoned
Lonely, deep
Dead and cold.

I am here
But I am really someplace else
Somewhere I have been
And never really left.

It is hard to let go
Because when you do
Then it’s gone forever
And no more can we claim it
Or own it.

Our love disappears
And those we lost dissolve
So we hold on as long as we can
And never want to let go.

There are some thoughts
That I cannot write
Too haunting to speak
And foolish, to provoke.

Evil spirits are here
And they fly around
Our heads
Patiently they tempt us
And look for a way in.

The silent white stones
Speak to those who listen
With their ear to the ground
And a willing heart.

But you cannot always trust
Everything you see and hear
Because we fight with more
Than flesh and steel.

But with thoughts, ideas
Feelings and restraint
Against powers no man can see
Day after day
And night after night.

We give too much
Until we can take no more
And we give in
Because we can’t say no.

Logic gets twisted
Inside of our minds
Until wrong is right
And right is wrong.

It is then that we fall
And we have no one to blame
Because we always knew
But did it anyway.

We watch the show
And listen to the puppets
All spouting the same story
Like empty socks of nothing.

Selling us comfort
And telling us lies
Leading us like cattle
For someone else’s knife.

We don’t see the obvious
Even though we always knew
That thing that adults told us
That we never wanted to hear.

We are not unique
And we are not the first
Nothing, but a rung in the ladder
Rotted with time.

Everything is connected
And nothing is left to chance
Because the power and money
Are more important
Than what is right.

Everything is spun,
And turned all around
All the victims planned
And, placed in familiar positions
Just to get what they want.

Every day it happens
But there is so much more
The encroaching evil
Unspeakable and unreported.

Used until the end
We give in
And we give up
As fools and cowards
Wearing false guilt
Tightly around their necks.

Behold the golden calf
Praised and worshipped
Held up for everyone to see
The pride of Lucifer.

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