Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Hush 3/20/2012

Dogs will follow the scent
By instinct and breed
But with training
They can find the hidden
And the dead.

But man ignores what he sees
And looks the other way
Living in his fantasies
No matter what he hears
And no matter what he knows.

Wise men should think
And learn from the past
Searching for the reasons
Of mystery and deceit.

History is full of fables
And many are those
Who hide what they know
Teaching legends as fact
And truth as fiction.

Buried under our feet
And hidden in the ice
Are the secrets of the dead
And the laws of the living.

The middle men are the cutouts
Replaceable and expendable
Discarded at the proper time
Silent and dead.

Contemplate the opposites
Of life and death
Because the future of one
Is the opposite of the other
Each the same
In a different time.

The opposite of hot is cold
But each is the same
In a different condition
Connected by a reaction
To energy and time.

The opposites are connected
By the smallest of distance
And the power of zero
Is greater than the whole.

Explosive power blows outward
In a violent expansion of space
And implosion crushes inwards
Into another time and place.

Hidden in secrecy
Is the secret of time and distance
Closely guarded in secret
The rotating cylinders of fate.

A glowing purple radiation
Permeates the walls
Killing everything around
With no one left to speak.

To incredible to believe
Are the secrets of the soul
Crawling like black spiders
Into every crevice and crack.

In the back of our minds
And in the bedroom next door
Are the magicians of time
With their hands in our brains.

Spinning mercury around itself
To force apart gravity and time
Splitting the heavens
To go where they please.

Men without honor
Will do what they must
Anything for power
Flesh to water
And dust to dust.

Forgiving mass murder
And absolving genocide
Whatever it takes
To win the day.

The future comes slowly
But the riddle has been solved
As the puppets dance
They all fly away.

The writing is on the wall
And all the kings are naked
Devolving from the good
Venal and corrupt.

Every man who ever lived
Is everywhere and everything
And every place and time
Exists together
Reachable and knowable.

We are the quiet
And we are the sheep
Told when to walk
And told when to sleep.

Herded into pens
And distracted by the game
We live for the moment
Useful as food.

Ancient truth or modern legend
It pays to search your soul
Because the battle for the mind
Rages out of control.

Poison 3/20/2012

She said I was like poison
And a waste of her time
A man unfocused
And purposeless.

She said I had a black cloud
That followed where I went
Pouring down on us
Every single day.

I was death to her future
And a drain on her time
A swirling negative energy
Dragging down her plans.

She said that it was useless
And that I could not change
With too much baggage to keep
And too much trouble to love.

She said I wasn’t trying
And she said that I didn’t care
Too difficult and exhausting
For her to stay.

She left me hanging
And she left me alone
Cut off and bleeding
Without any love at all.

Even the good can be cruel
And she had no idea
About what it felt like then
Or what it feels like now.

She thought I could not be trusted
But she didn't look for the truth
Believing instead of trying
To figure out the lies.

I did what I had to do
And I was better than she thought
Loyal to the end
Even if it hurt.

Indifference is the worst
And it kills from the inside out
Rotting in your stomach
And eating at your guts.

I never understood
And I guess I never will
About how she could pretend
That I never lived at all.

I thought she saw my heart
But all she saw was the pain
Ignoring all the good
And forgetting what I gave.

She was a searcher
Just like me and you
But she was tired of waiting
And would not suffer long.

But all good things
Do not come when we want
But rather God waits
For when we are ready.

I know it wasn’t easy
To love a man like me
But if she would have waited
The best was yet to come.

She is out there
And sometimes we talk
But now she walks in the sun
Away from the clouds.

Nothing will ever be the same
But I can’t waste my time in hate
But rather I forgive
And remember the good.

Maybe I am poison
But I can choose
How I live
Refusing to rain
On those I love.

We see only in part
And seldom listen to ourselves
Never listening or asking
What it is, that others feel.

Kinder to strangers
And more forgiving to friends
We lay our burdens on love
And never think twice.

Love is more than a feeling
But it takes more than words
A constant battle of action
Against inertia and boredom.

Not every man
Gets a second chance
But every day is new
Living and learning
From the inside out.

And it doesn’t matter
If we are forgiven
But rather, it is what we forgive
And what we do.

Life goes on
And the black rain falls
But it’s up to me
What I say
And what I do.

We can drag them down
Or we can build them up
Living in the shadows
Or waiting for the sun.

Black clouds are circumstantial
And poison is the mixture
Half of what we feel
But more of what we do.

Welcome black cloud
But don’t expect me to weep
Because I have seen you before
And I’ll see you again.

I can smile in the shadows
And laugh in the dark
Taking back all I lost
In a million tiny steps.

So let the rain fall
Because I have found love
And now I can live forever
Even if I die.

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