Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Watcher in the Wood

Watcher in the woods 3/21/2012

Deep in the woods
Crouches the hunter
Motionless and tense
Watching from a distance
For any movement or form.

Making slow and steady movements
As rigid as iron
Waiting for something to happen
Or something to explode.

The prey lives
And the prey feeds
Gingerly picking though the thicket
In the evening of the day.

But man and animal both have senses
And it is a mystery
How we can feel the eyes
Prickling our skin
And burning our brain.

You can feel it
As your hair stands on end
That something is wrong
And panic sets in.

That threatening feeling
Wells up from within
As you can almost feel the breath
And the teeth.

Your heart starts to race
As you search with your eyes
Pivoting in your tracks
To see who is there.

Men shout out
And prepare to fight
Holding close
All they have
Reaching for a light
Or maybe a gun.

Animals scan with their eyes
And smell with their nose
Searching for something unfamiliar
That warns them to run.

We to are watched
But we never seem to notice
Watched from above
And watched from behind.

Our searches
And our hobbies
Our phones and our cars
Each and every detail
Catalogued and coded.

Watched by one
Or watched by another
With cameras in the sky
And trackers in our phones.

We have access to the world
But the world accesses our minds
Carefully tailoring our needs
Before we even know.

Lumping us together
For advertising and demographics
And counting us like sheep
For political manipulation.

Indoctrinated rather than educated
Told what to think
And told what to do
Shooed away from the truth
All the way to Babylon.

But even the watchers are watched
And the watcher sees everything
Every single trick
And every single lie.

I am alive
And my eyes are clear
Staring straight ahead
Like blazing stones of fire.

Seeing through the forest
To see the burning cities
Cutting though the emotions
Of narcissism and hate.

The magma rises in my heart
As I decide to act
Quickening my blood
For the last pursuit.

When the lid comes off
I will come home
Running down the killers
With a mouthful of fur.

Watch me all you want
Because I am getting close
And I can smell the truth
Calling me to leap.

This forest is different
And it is filled with the dead
Of men and beast
Slaughtered and forgotten.

But now its different
And all the ghosts speak
Because something is about to happen
That has never happened before.

The young lions are here
Fully grown and hungry
Roaring with fury
Fangs,claws, and blood.

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