Friday, March 16, 2012

Dead Heat

Dead Heat 3/16/2012

Do not weep
For the man in the arena
Or the man in the ring
Though he’s bruised, bleeding
And staggers to the ropes.

And do not worry
About the unanswered blows
Though they rain down
On his head
Brutal and deadly.

Fear not
For the good
Though they may be tired
And haggard
Because yesterday is over
And someday is here.

Not everything is at it appears
And not everyone is beaten
Because even though we die
The greatest victory
Is about to happen.

Although I have suffered
I remain undefeated
Still standing in the middle
Defiant and indomitable.

My face is set
And my sinews tightened
As I taste the blood
And summon the glory.

Fear shall come
To those who kill
And it shall come
With terror and fury.

Burning forth
At two thousand degrees
And burning away
Everything they were.

Cleansing the cruelty
And purging the hatred
Destroying the destroyers
And killing the enemy.

For the longest time
They have been immune
Protected from shame
And insulated from criticism.

But kindness is often misunderstood
As weakness
And mercy
For blindness.

We have buried our heads in the sand
And with time
The enemy has grown bolder
Crushing the good with his heel
And slaughtering the innocent.

But they have grown arrogant
From cheap victory
And hapless victims
Their voices silenced forever
And mouths gaping wide in terror.

They have been attacked
And they have been humiliated
But soon their blood will speak
Ten times a thousand.

Stand on your feet
And shout out the truth
As unafraid and as fearless
As the last days demand.

Fear nothing
For what can man really do
Nothing that cannot be healed
And nothing that cannot be avenged.

I too have felt the sting
And I too have endured the worst
But I have asked
And the door has opened.

Nothing in this world
Lasts forever
And neither will this
And that is enough reason
To keep up the fight.

The blows are about to be answered
And many voices will speak
Some are good and some are evil
But do not be confused or discouraged
Because the wise
Will see the difference.

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