Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Thicker Than Water

Thicker Than Water 1/31/2012

If I could force out
Tears of blood
What good would it do?
Nothing more
And nothing less
Than everything I lost.

My dreams are dead
And so is all my treasure
The great pearl for which I bled
Stolen and put on display.

The past is far away
And I have given it to God
But even though it is far
It keeps coming back again.

Even though I have survived
And new life has sprung forth
I still pay the price
Every second
And every day.

We can run all we want
And we can say
That the truth is not welcome
But still it lives
And still it comes.

We can turn our heads
And pretend we didn’t notice
Or we can force another
Painful smile
But nothing ever changes
And nothing ever will.

There is more
Than one kind of debt
And there is more
Than one way to pay
As I live lift my feet
One in front of the other.

Always behind
With never enough
And forever hoping to see it through
Making myself rise
And face it once more.

It doesn’t matter what is said
And it doesn’t matter who is there
The damage done
And beyond repair.

I pray and I try
And I amuse myself with words
Pouring out the emotions
Into dead white spaces.

I string them in sentences
And I pair them in verses
Always incomplete
And haunting.

Nothing is ever finished
And nothing is ever resolved
Nothing reconciled
And nothing healed.

It is the old wounds
Deep and deadly
That never seem to mend
Still bleeding
But never killing.

Scarred and ruined
As I drag myself around
Cut off at the knees
Without hands or help.

The kind of reminder
That others try to forget
Because they know
How and why.

There is little satisfaction
And no one understands the cost
Because nothing is ever enough
And it multiplies every day.

You cannot escape
The ghosts of murder
Because even their blood cries out
Thirsting for revenge
And calling out to God.

My spirit was murdered
And all I loved betrayed
As I was left with nothing
And ashamed every day.

But if you listen closely
You can hear my heavy heart
Still beating
Strong and sure.

I have prayed
And I have asked
Every night and every day
Unceasingly knocking at the door.

Forever comes
Both to the good
And the bad
But not for all
Shall this door
Be opened.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Dead or Alive

Dead or Alive 1/30/2012

Even a parasite
That feeds off
The blood of others
Needs to find a producer
In order to survive.

But as the many feed off the few
The few weaken and die
Hunted into extinction
Dumbed down and contaminated
Until nothing at all remains.

That for me
I must ponder
The life of the living
And the life after death.

The cats dead eyes
Glowed in my headlights
Staring sideways from the road
Just as brilliant as they were living
Freshly dead,
And about to spoil.

We are fine
Until we are not
And then we either live or die
Not much different at first
Except for the soul
Either dead or left alive.

Limp, motionless, dead, and stiffening
Putrefied, liquefied and rotted away
Just a worthless carcass
Devoid of life and blood.

There are many ways to spend
Our time in these bodies
And there are many emotions
That rob us of time.

We can toss around the blame
And see where it sticks
Just as meaningless as it seems
And twice as dumb.

We can cry out for justice
But we would never know it
Even if we had it
Because we barely know ourselves
Let alone the truth.

Or we could ask for freedom
Never realizing how much we have
Free enough to live
And free enough to speak.

Giving it up with our silence
And holding it all inside
When all we had to do was stand up
And remain unafraid.

Fear is the choice
That too many have made
Defeated by words
Long before they are killed.

This world and all it contains
Is nothing but an illusion
But you can never know how
Until you break away.

Leaving all the childish expectations
And living boldly in the truth
Because no man can ever live
Until he stops fearing death.

You can find a million reasons
To justify what you do
Always some kind of excuse
To murder, lie and steal.

And it’s hard to know which is better
To think or to act
To live in a prison
Or pretend
That you don’t care.

I am here now
And that is all I know
What my eyes reveal
And my mind can understand.

There must be more
Than what we have seen
Because if this it
We might as well give up.

Some men
Only believe in themselves
And it is they
That we should pity
Because they will always find
The nothingness they seek.

They think they are wise
But they are just buying
What the world is selling
Nothing more than vanity
At work on the weak.

They can have themselves
And they can have their pride
Dreaming with their nose to the ground
And dreaming that they are awake.

They can guess
And they can speculate
About what is wrong with me
And what is wrong with others
But only I can know
What it is in my soul.

I want to come out screaming
With vengeance on my lips
And take the truth in my hands
Twisting, crushing and squeezing
Until nothing remains.

But there is a big difference
Between what you want
And what you need
And I need to speak many things
Before I can die.

Now you see it
And now you don’t
The best things hidden
And kept in the dark.

We could die sooner
Or we could die later
But we can only live in the present
In the here and the now.

If they want me
They can have me
Because there is nothing as precious
As what we leave behind.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Jigsaw Zombie

Jigsaw Zombie 1/20/2011

We laugh and we cry
But what have our emotions done?
Just as meaningless to the dead
As they are to the living.

Men have dreamed dreams
Of living without pain
And men have sought the future
From the whispers of the dead.

They have sought out ghosts
And they have summoned spirits
Conversing with demons
In darkened rooms.

Trusting their own mind
Over their eternal souls
Seeking the power of God
And ignoring his voice.

An occulted history
Cloaked in the shadows
In flooded basements and caves
Deep beneath the bunkers
And covered with cement.

Experimental science, black magic
And ancient necromancy
No myth or legend unexplored
And no experiment spared.

Some were seeking power
And some were seeking knowledge
But the secrets were found
And the knowledge was plundered
Hidden from view
And used over and over.

They have created abominations
Out of our sight
And under our noses
Taking life as we know it
And turning it upside down.

Learning secrets from demons
And trading them for souls
Dreaming that they are living
And living with the dead.

Their thoughts have been twisted
Far away from man
Breeding themselves away
Into something they never dreamed.

They are a mystery
And they are a riddle
Frozen since the begging
And rotted with time.

They don’t care if it hurts
And they don’t care if it bleeds
Running down their face
And running down their leg.

They just do and they just go
Because that is what they’re told
And since they can’t feel it
They just let it flow.

But even man is a mystery
And we only know in part
So far fallen
And far from home.

There are demons
And there are angels
In the beginning
And in the end.

Keep your eyes open
And carefully guard your hearts
Because even the good can be broken
But not all the broken are good.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Riddle Me This

Riddle Me This 1/19/2012

Some men hide their works
And some men hide their past
Sealing up their secrets
So that no one can know.

And even though you look
And even though you ask
No one remembers their name
And no one remembers their face.

Nameless and faceless
They are the riddles
With nothing to say
And nothing to question.

And how can anyone decide
When there is nothing to know
And how can anyone question
When everything is a lie.

If a man is honest
Then there is no need to hide
And if there is nothing to hide
Then why hide it at all?

It is a very consistent truth
That a liar loves power
Loving themselves more than others
Always seeking to win
And always seeks to prove.

Because it is the appearance
That he desires
And everything must be perfect
And everything controlled.

A liar must have his reasons
And on that
Will he be judged
Because no man is perfect
And no man is God.

But a great man needs nothing
And a great man is modest
With nothing to prove
And nothing to win.

They make it up as they go
And always with the end in mind
As boastful as they are vain
But it is always wise to suspect
A man without a name.

If you know me
Then you know my faults
And I shall make no attempt to hide
Because where is the glory in hiding
If God is greater than man.

You can say that I was selfish
And more than a little judgmental
Forever hung up on the inconsequential
Who did not always follow through.

I was that and more
But I have no need to lie
Because there is more to me
Than what you see
And I have nothing to deny.

Evil men with shallow lives
Cover up and assign blame
Always shifting attention
From the emptiness
That they themselves contain.

They can have their appearance
And they can have their name
Showing it as often as possible
Just to prove
And just to shame.

But even this is the proof
And what more can be said
Because no matter what they do
Inside they are empty
Dried up and dead.

If you can smell the smoke
You can bet there is fire
And I have seen them both
The proof and the difference
Between the truth and the liar.

Riddle me this
And riddle me that
But it helps to look a little closer
And see the man behind the lens.

There are things we believe
That simply are not true
And no matter how much we try
It will never be enough.

And there are things we hear
That we always want to think
Even though ten times a thousand
We know it isn’t true.

Be careful to look deeper
And always search the motives
Because a man who lies a lot
Has probably lied about some more.

They have hidden away a secret
That is far worse than you think
Covering it up with appearance
And filling it with greed.

Their treasure will crumble
And their names be forgotten
Because no matter what you think
And no matter what you feel
There was never anything worthy
And never anything real.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Depth Perception

Depth Perception 1/18/2012

Someone has turned on the light
But that doesn’t mean
That we can see
And even though the shadows run
It doesn’t mean
That they are gone.

I drove down the road at night
And watched the rain drops
Explode on the street
Spiraling downwards like silver tracers
And arcing back into heaven.

I noticed that the trees
Are like headless skeletons
Because all their leaves have fallen
Reaching out with bony fingers
Before the wind
Drives them away.

We go from one place to the next
And names faces and people change
But we all leave something behind
That will last forever.

Every thought, action and reaction
Causes a ripple in time
The emotion and the feelings
Spreading outwards in a wave
Invisible to the eye.

Though time dulls the senses
And memories start to fade
The most formative linger
And never go away.

The need is always there
And so also is the longing
That elemental need to love
And be loved.

Some people lie
And some people pretend
Easily forgetting
And walling them away.

But nothing is ever lost
And nothing is forgotten
Coming back to haunt the living
And judge the dead.

Many things we have thought
And many things we have justified
But in the end
All will come back
And then we will know.

In the meantime
This is the longest night
And with it, come the ghosts
Of the rejected
And the forgotten.

They have come back
And they will return again
Always unwelcome
But unforgettable.

Though we smile that fake smile
And though we whistle
And act nonchalant
They remain
Angry and defiant.

Always lurking beneath the surface
And ready to return
Summoned at once
By just a thought, smell, or sound.

Nothing is ever over
And nothing ever ends
Even the dead hearts still beat
And echo through time.

Nothing is hidden
And nothing is forgotten
Each and every word
And each and every lie.

We can explain it away
All that we want
But even then, and even now
We know
Whether we admit it
Or not.

We have gambled with the lives of others
And ignored the truth in our dreams
Finding fault and omission
But never seeing our own.

We have stolen
And we have threatened
Wounding the defenseless
And ridiculing the good.

For no man is without sin
And no man can escape
Because we are as free to walk
As we are to fall.

Nothing lasts forever
No matter how hard we try
And that should make us glad
Because even murder, theft and tyranny
Cannot conquer God.

The rain gently washes me clean
As I walk to the door
Opening at last
To what I was
The day before.

Friday, January 13, 2012


Thirteen 1/13/2012

Many a tragedy
Has happened on a Friday
And so also with me
A bloody day of memory
And the day I pay the price.

No man is perfect
And no man immune
But for all sin, there is punishment
And someone must be questioned
And someone must be cursed.

This is the day of loss
And this is the day I have bled
Crushing me like a death sentence
Hanging over my head.

This is the day
That horror lies in wait
Just waiting for the unsuspecting
To leap upon
And kill.

This was the day
That I had to give up
Signing away my future
And my life.

It is times like today
That I call to God in my heart
Crying out with all my strength
In a silent scream.

The day is long
And it hurts to wait
Because although nothing lasts forever
It sure feels that way.

I try to forget
And I try to forgive
But my heart grows heavy
Much too heavy to lift.

We forget what it feels like
And we forget how it can hurt
So we just go on
Like we are better
And crush those below..

This is the year
Of three times thirteen
An end and a beginning
Of one time to another.

All men lie
And all men sin
But the difference in the reasons
Only God can know.

What is it
That makes us fail?
And what is it
That makes us cruel?

We who have criticized the injured
But excused the murders
Never looking inside
To see the shocking truth.

Many are the betrayed
Who never hurt a thing
All for a few dollars more
And false freedom.

For some the days trickle by
Without any thought
Never paying the price
And never growing up.

But before me
There were others
And many have been hated
Tortured, beaten and killed.

Today I live
And today I remember
Trying hard, but failing
All over again.

Today there may not be justice
But who should want
What man can give?
Just another self serving grievance
And no one is innocent.

I have stared at the floor
And burned the day into memory
Just another blow
In an otherwise average life.

But there is nothing that is done
That remains a secret forever
And the carnage of midday
Will be washed away at night.

Tomorrow shall come
And the day after that
Unless I return
Back to the truth.

This world
And all its pride
Is but a small blip in time
Just a skipped beat
In our steady fall.

So we might as well smile
And enjoy our friends
Those we have
That are here today.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Rabbit Hole and Itchy Fingers

The Rabbie Hole and Itchy Fingers 1/12/2012

Itchy Fingers 1/12/2012

The air is roaring in my ears
As I drive down the road
Imagining an iron destroyer
Screaming towards its prey.

The sonic booms split the sky
And all voices become a whisper
Drowned out by the wash
Of the angels flying by.

The blood rushes inside our heads
And the synapses fire inside our brains
Exchanging information
A thousand times a thousand.

I shall not stop
And I shall breathe the fire
And unknowable.

The mystery is in the words
The ones they do not understand
That something is coming
That they have never seen.

I have awakened
Inside of my mind
And there can be no holding back
The words
Or the message.

The same things will not work
And the old lies are crumbling
Falling to pieces and blowing away
In the rushing wind.

Even the ground is shaking
Under the weight of time
Ready to give way
And pull apart.

The mind is more powerful
Than any of us knew
And the spirit remains
Stronger than all.

The dream has become reality
And the fire has fallen
Calling me and calling you
Faster and faster.

I can feel my heart beat
And quicken in my chest
Driving me on
Past the limits.

We shall not wait for tomorrow
Because it may never come
Now as good a time as any
To feel the iron
Running hot.

The doubters can laugh
And the mockers ridicule
Because they have never tried
And I guess they never will.

This is a time for passion
And this is a time to live
Burning red and orange
Fearless and free.

The Rabbit Hole 1/12/2012

If you listen and if you watch
Then you have seen the lie
Because it’s been told a million times
And there is no end in sight.

They have pitted one against another
And they love to drag us along
Drowning us with demands
That add up every day.

The bills are past due
And there isn’t enough to pay
The oldest way to ruin
What others have built
Is just to take it away.

The past is covered over
With a thick coat of paint
So that the young cannot see
What it was
That we have lost.

Indoctrinated into beliefs
That have never worked before
And lied to about the past
Over and over again.

The real heroes are forgotten
And replaced with the fake
With no opportunity missed
To change faces and names.

Evil is called good
And the good called evil
In a downward spiral
Of illiteracy and hate.

People see what they want to see
And they keep their mouths shut
Because everybody knows
What is untouchable
And what is safe.

Inundated with messages
About who and what is ideal
With the stupid and the criminal
Lionized and rewarded.

The worst considered the best
And true talent ignored
While we spiral downwards
Into cultural collapse.

Challenge it once
And you will be browbeaten
Challenge it twice
And you will be the hated.

So there is nothing cool about them
And they are not rebels
Just regurgitating what is expected
More and more of the same.

With no independent mind
And no courage at all
Running headlong downhill
In a self absorbed suicide.

But time is on the side
Of the numberless invasion
And a Trojan horse of betrayal
Already inside the gates.

It almost too late
As they invite the millions
Just like the politicians want
And just like they plan.

They are the misguided tools
Who can’t see tomorrow
Only wanting cheap victory
And us versus them.

It isn’t about what is right
And it isn’t about the truth
But to pull down the great
Just because they are.

They hate the strong
And want to bring them down
So that the weak can feel better
And all will be well.

But natures abhors a vacuum
And only the good should be strong
Because the weak want genocide
And But end up killing all.

Still falling down a rabbit hole
That they themselves have dug
Dragging everything with them
And falling forever.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Deathbomb Poet

The Poet of Darkness 1/11/2012

If you have lived
Then you have seen
But it’s up to us
To learn
And to know.

That doubt can defeat you
Even before you try
And that false pride
Hardens the heart
And kills the soul..

If you have seen the dead rise
Then you can know it for sure
That anything is possible
If you know who to ask.

If we really believed
What wonders could we do
But we always guess and doubt
And never seem to know.

As for me
I don’t need an iron coffin
Because If I die
Then I will not care.

And there is no need
To pay false respects
When everything we do
Is all for the wrong reasons.

I have run around in circles
And I have wasted my fire
Spilling my blood
For nothing.

But nothing of this world lasts
And there is no treasure
That I can keep
Just temporary comfort
And occasional escape.

So what are we left with?
And what are we to do?
When everything we do is pointless
And everything we see
Is doomed.

Mine is to try
Even when my heart is breaking
But also to love
Even though it gets washed away
In a deluge of indifference.

It may go wasted
And no one may care
But what we do and say
Exists forever
Spreading outwards
In the blackness of space.

If no one cares
Then that is their choice
Because no man should force belief
One upon the another.

That is for them
And this is for me
Nothing but a path
That each man has chosen
And each man shall run.

A different journey
On this same spinning rock
Traveling inside and outside
Faster than light.

To live fully
And to live it well
Because even those who do nothing
Have also made their choice.

Smash all the windows
And roll around on the glass
Ripping up your skin
And smearing the blood on your face.

Paint it red
And paint it black
Grinning like a demon
With death in your eyes.

Create one thing
And tear down another
Leaving only the beautiful
For no purpose at all.

Be not fearful
Of those who do not know
Because they create nothing
But what is expected.

Be not fearful
Of the threats
Because the day we run
Is the day we die.

Man has no power
And man has no teeth
Just a bunch of transparent ghosts
Empty sacks of skin and bones.

I am not afraid
That they worst may happen
Because every man must die
No matter what we promise
Or what we do.

The good shall fight
With the strength of ten
No matter how they rig the rules
And that should make us laugh
Even now
And surely then.

All that glitters
Will not make a difference
Because although all shall die
Not every man knows
And not every man has lived.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Double Identitiy

Double Identity 1/10/2012

The dead pile up
But no one seems to notice
And the apocalypse inches closer
But no one seems to care.

There are many threats
And there are many enemies
Waiting in the dark corners
Unseen and unknown.

The top is the bottom
And the bottom is the top
The times rewritten
And the truth forgotten.

The world is full of mystery
And nothing is at it seems
Because while we were distracted
Everything has changed.

Names are changed
And all the records hidden
Because to know is to guess
The agenda and the reason.

How can we know
And how can we judge
If we do not know
And cannot see.

If a man is known
Then it is by the truth
Not only what he believed
But also what he did.

We have swallowed the poison
And now it’s in our blood
Flowing to our brain
And paralyzing the heart.

When the world turns over
And rests upside down
Then you know something has happened
And the worst is yet to come.

When men become untouchable
And their secrets protected
They become immune to criticism
And above all reproach.

Their hatred overlooked
And their designs ignored
As they destroy what others
Built to last forever.

Yes you shall know
When the wise are mocked
And the ignorant called great
That something is changed
And something is wrong.

Look, the rotten fruit is ripe
The ones we planted long ago
Grown by neglect
While we looked the other way.

The signs of the times
Are heavy on the vine.
And we get what we asked for
And reap what we deserve.

We are products of the time
And first of the dead
A generation of annihilation
Conceited and greedy.

When men have no shame
And when men have no honor
Even the indefensible will be defended
And the good attacked.

Things are not as they seem
And the head hates his body
Cutting us off at the neck
Just to have his way.

The biggest fraud
And the biggest lie
Cutting out our heart
From the inside out.

Unknown men
Hide their identities
Changing their names
To usurp and to murder.

The head speaks
And everybody listens
But the words are not the problem
And the secret
Is the reason.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Black Light

Black Light 1/9/2012

No longer am I the apple
Of her kind eyes
And no longer do I wait
For her easy smiles.

Here one day
And gone the next
One minute in the center
And then somewhere else.

I was different then
But that guy is dead
No longer speaking
And no longer belonging.

Cast out of paradise
And cut down from behind
Far away from comfort
And forgotten in the desert.

Now I lurk in the corner
And sleep on the strands
Just another misfit
Living in the fringes.

They always say
That there must be a reason
That life turns out this way
But it doesn’t make much difference
If you can never come home.

Now I am in the corner
Out in the periphery
Just another shadow
Moving quickly away.

Like one of those apparitions
That can never be explained
So we blame it on imagination
And quickly walk away.

Sometimes ghosts just can’t let go
And sometimes they dream they’re alive
Sleep walking through a life
That has already passed away.

But we can never know for sure
What it is that they feel
So we only guess
And do our best
To explain them away.

Maybe it is something else
That keeps them in between
A longing or unfinished love
That keeps them hanging on.

Just restless spirits
Haunting the world of the living
Stuck in the nothingness
That remains in between.

God still waits but they never leave
Just going through the motions
That they never finished
And can never complete.

We look for ourselves
But never understand
What it is that we find
Never going deep enough
And never questioning why.

People pass through our lives
And stay with us for awhile
Never understanding or grasping
What is really inside.

We know of each other
And we stare into their eyes
But we only skim the surface
Of who they truly are.

There is only one way to know
And that will be the test
Whether I was right or wrong
Or good
Or evil.

Only then we will see
With new eyes
Penetrating though all the layers
To gaze at the truth.

I am also restless
And my spirit wanders
In worlds that have come
And worlds that never were.

Still looking for something
The something that I must do
To complete the circle
And become who I am.

We hate things
That we cannot control
And we never believe
What we cannot hold.

But the greatest of things
No man can explain
Not until we have lived it
And know without speaking.

Friday, January 6, 2012


Deadstick 1/6/2012

The ancient gray is calling
Because history repeats itself
As we circle the heavens
And spin backwards in our minds.

Back to where we were before
Without any recognition
Barely understanding the present
And much less of our past.

Bury the stone heads
And leave them in the ground
A curse and a reminder
Of who we were
And who we are.

There is more buried
Then there is alive
And there is more remembered
Than we have left.

See my head
And see my hands
Because neither one matters
And neither one cares.

My likeness is nothing
In a world gone insane
And it is a miracle that I exist
Or ever knew at all.

Dreaming is dreaming
But you can’t always believe
What you see or hear
But what are we to make
Of the mind’s eye
Awake in the night.

We cannot see the forest
And we cannot see the wolf
Hidden amongst the trees
Dense, dark, and mysterious.

The legends and the myths
That pass backwards into time
Ancient and unexplained
And more often true than a lie.

Just because we don’t see it
Doesn’t mean that it’s not there
Because there is more that’s invisible
In all the space between.

In the creases of half remembered dreams
There are tiny bits of diamonds
Glittering in our thoughts
But forgotten in time.

What we think
And what we speak
All comes from somewhere
And if only we could understand
What glory we could have.

Black, white
And a million shades of gray
Confuse the lines and shadows
And hide the menacing truth.

That we are the walking dead
Marching into our graves
More asleep than awake
And more docile than sheep.

We search the world
Looking for answers
But seldom do we shine
A light upon ourselves
Or question our heart.

Leaving our darkest memories
To hide in the corners
Festering and growing
From thoughts to action.

We hold the greatest of truths
In the moments of solitude
But almost never do we awaken
And act upon the knowledge.

As for me I chase the words
As they flee from place to place
Trying to capture feelings
Before they swallow me whole.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Proof of Life

Proof of Life 1/5/2012

No one forces us to live
And we can die if we want
Remaining alone
Fatherless and dead.

The choice remains
For those who are undecided
But for those who cannot see
Maybe they never will.

I contemplate my life
And I question my soul
With every action and reaction
A living breathing miracle
One of many
But one of a kind.

You only live once
But we can die
In a million ways
Our is but a daily choice
As to how it’s used
And spent.

If I am an accident
Then I have no purpose
And if there is no purpose
Then humanity
And laws don’t mean a thing.

Then why not kill
And why not destroy
Taking what I want
And burning all the rest.

My life nothing but pointless suffering
Without any lasting meaning
Here but for a moment
And then extinguished forever.

A endless sleep in nothingness
Broken down into bacteria
Food for worms
And crumbling bones.

Why hold back
And why bother to learn
Because if there is no reason
Then there is no God.

If man knew
And if man believed
Then the world would mock
And the world would destroy.

But anyone can doubt
And anyone can ridicule
Taking the safest of roads
An easy road
Downhill and unto death.

But to believe is to know
What it means to hold back
To learn and to grow
From the inside out.

To acquire the ancient wisdom
That no one will teach
And fill in the spaces
That no one will admit.

We ignore
What we cannot explain
And many have been deceived
Because of the arrogance
And vanity of a few.

They mock and they injure
And how they love
To tear others down
Thinking they are clever
When in fact, they are dumb.

But a bigger truth
Is in the details
And it will swallow them whole.
Their legacy forgotten
Like a melted snowflake.

If you have been burned
Then you have played with fire
Learning how to live
And learning how to kill.

I have them inside
And I shall let them go
Proof enough for me
And that is enough.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Eyesight 1/4/2012

The lamp in the darkness
Has shown us where to go
And the light behind the eyes
Inspires us
To see and to know.

If you have eyes
Then look for the signs
Up in the sky
Or in your own mind
But it helps if you are willing
And can read between the lines.

There are things that we know
And there are things that we guess
But it’s good to follow your instincts
More often true than not.

There is always a reason
And there is always a clue
The same old things
That we always knew
But are suppressed with silence
And taught are never true.

The worst is what we ignore
Because no one
Has the courage to speak
While the mediocre get all the attention
For all the wrong reasons.

The dull made smart
And the smart dumbed down
Because if you tell a lie a million times
Maybe we’ll believe it true.

Who would want the praise
Of the fake and the insincere
When all they want is favor
And immunity.

The winners are not the best
And the best are unknown
Because it’s how things look that matters
In this time
And in this world.

They have blocked out the light
And painted a false horizon
Pretending that its true forever
Just to wear us down.

And it’s hard to stand
When you feel like sleeping
And it is hard to laugh
When you feel like dying.

A cheap and plastic façade
Covers everything that you see
But it wasn’t built to last forever
And the cracks are showing through.

I have seen
And yes I know
Cruising on a ship
That was always built to sink.

It doesn’t matter what the truth is
Because we keep on believing what we want
Pretending right is wrong
And everything is ok.

But no matter what we say
And no matter what we do
The truth grows larger
Every minute and every day.

Looming large
Like an iron mountain
About to crash through a glass house
Shattering all our preconceptions
And destroying all the lies.

Someday it will happen
And today is one day closer
Soon enough for us to change
Turn around and rearrange.

This life is all we have
And this time is all we hold
Everything else just an illusion
Just a wisp of air
Come and gone.

It is time to line up
What we think
With what we do
And time to hold dear
Those we love.

Time to make a choice
And stick with it, to the end
Searching out the real truth
And all the reasons behind it.

To face even the worst
And turn into the storm
For God shall remember the good
Long after we are gone.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Three and a half

Three and a half 1/3/2012

Only the reader can know
If these words make any sense
And only the good will understand
What they mean
And what they show.

It is not about me
And I have nothing to sell
Because wisdom comes
To those who ask
And those that wonder.

I have dreamed dreams
And my eyes have seen plenty
But knowing is the greatest privilege
That belief could ever bring.

The truth can hurt
And sometimes no one wants to hear
Because they have hidden their eyes
And buried their heart.

Our emotions can play tricks
And we always fool ourselves
As we mentally twist reality
To suit our wants and needs.

We love to make promises
But how often do we fail
When obligation meets desire
And monotonous discomfort.

Many are sold out
For a few dollars more
Watered down into nothingness
And white washed away.

The broad and simple beliefs
That excuse all sorts of horror
Grabs at our feet
And snags at our clothes.

We give up
And we let go
Catching just the rotten fruit
As it falls into our hand.

We get what is left
And we get what we feared
A full and just reward
For the cowardly
And the foolish.

Oh how often we have fallen
And slid backwards
Over our words
Even though we tried
And even though we knew.

Over and over again
Even the strong are murdered
Opening themselves up
From below and from behind.

If we never knew
It would make no difference
Because what would we be then
Nothing but a speck in the ocean

I have ridden a horse
With eyes of burning fire
Slowly walking forever
Back to where we started.

They have done their best
To injure, mock, and steal
Never missing an opportunity
To twist the knife a little more.

And how they mocked my wounds
As I was drowning in blood
Exalting in their victory
And laughing.

But I am not the first
And I am not the last
Nothing but a man and a vessel
A mystery inside of a riddle.

When they dip their fingers
In my blood
It is then that they will know
That there is no need to rise
If you have not fallen
And that I am alive.