Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Ten One

Ten One                        8/31/2016

It is better protect
Than it is to persecute
But some are always penalized
While others are preferred.

No amount of lies can change
The obvious truth
Carved inside our hearts
From the inside out. 

Who is the real liar?
And who is the real joke?
Hiding behind falsehood
And covered up with smoke.

An honest man
Is a happy man
Because living in the truth
Heals the heart.

But evil men spend their strength
Hiding their true intentions
Avoiding sunlight
Anyway they can. 

Attacking the good
And defaming the defenseless
As they fill their pockets with money
From the worst kind of scum. 

Only a fool cannot see it coming
The greatest deception of all
Skewed and slanted
Obvious and dumb. 

Their strangle hold is loosening
Just when they thought
They could never lose
So now they scramble in desperation
To lie and to kill. 

Clamping down
And censoring the truth
Omitted and obfuscated
At the most convenient time. 

Hateful and jealous
The murderous and raping horde
Released with malice
Upon the innocent and good. 

But God
He will keep his promise
To the lost
That he has found.

Even if they forgot
Who they were
And from where
They have come. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Black Out

Black Out                          8/30/2016

Living is dangerous
But so also is dying
As we walk though a minefield
And whistle in the wind.

Over burdened 
And over spent
And ignored.  

There is no safety
For the foolish
And no warmth
For the good.

Sacrificed for profit
And used for fun
We are nothing but bait
In a game of chess.

Powerful men
Indulge their every whim
At the expense of the defenseless
And the powerless.

Compromised and complicit
They are controlled by others
Deep, dark,
And hidden from view. 

The records sealed
And secrets protected
While others are abused
For telling the truth. 

Bloody are the hands
That reach in our pockets
And take whatever they want
Because rules are for us
And never for them. 

Corrupted and compromised
They all cover for each other
Fake established enemies
Equally guilty
And equally complicit. 

An exclusive club
For the wealthy
And the connected
Selling us all out
For experimental genocide.  

A blackout is coming
As all the windows are closed
Justified with lies
And covered with bribes.

Some fools will never learn
Until they die 
Set up
And put down
Surrounded by hungry dogs
Foaming at the mouth.

And we,
We are nothing but a threat
The last bastion
Who can question  
And might resist. 

The rest
They know will follow
And bow their heads
For just a few dollars
And a piece of bread. 

The truth is out
So read it while you can
Because darkness is coming
When the plug is pulled.

They think we will believe it
And they think
That we are fools
Drowning in our own blood
Face down in the mud.

They think if we weren’t told
Then we would never know at all
The carnage in the streets
Rape, assault and murder. 

Beware the biggest lie
Because that is all you will hear
The truth hidden 
At the most crucial 
Of times.

But even in a blackout
The spirit is a light
Enough to lead us out
To what is good 
And what is right. 

Monday, August 29, 2016


Artichoke                8/29/2016

Through the eyes of glass
We peer into windows
Open to the world
Inward, outward
Independent and free.

Searching through
Time and space
And able to decipher
The good and the bad.

The willing can see
If they know where to go
In a fraction of a second
The whole world
Melts away.

Rifling through opinions
And sorting through the facts
We can learn about the motives
That influence our vision.

Opening the pomegranate
And peeling back the onion
The truth can be discovered
Among the countless lies.

Some seek not reality
But only feed their delusions
Always hating
And always blaming.

Hating truth
And hating beauty
They savage the hand of kindness
Over and over again.

But he who thinks for himself
Let him look
And let him see
Lifting up his head
Above the stampede. 

It can be painful
And it can make you ashamed
But the truth
Will always be an answer
To mental slavery.

Remove the filter
And open up the screen
Dead level ahead
To see what is there. 

Piercing through
The smoke and the mirrors
Laser straight
And determined.  

Fearlessly discovering
What is hidden
And tracing it backwards
Aghast in horror.

There are many
Who have seen
And there are many
Who have died. 

But now more than ever
The truth is a crime
As those who hate the truth
Want to kill
And crush. 

The window was opened
And the truth escaped
So now they seek to close it
Anyway they can. 

Watch it grow dark
And make all of your plans
For the day of darkness
Knowing who lies
And knowing why. 

Remember this
When the windows
Will not open
And the biggest lie of all
Is told as truth.

Look into your heart
And the windows of the soul
Inward and upward
Through prayer
And faith.

And strong
And true!

Thursday, August 25, 2016


Over the hills                            8/25/2016

It was always about the wait
And it was always about the time
Running me and running you
And running out
Over my head.

We were supposed to be happy
And look at the positive side
But in the end
Something went wrong
And there was no turning back.   

I fell through a crack
And maybe that is all it is
An accidental mistake
While sleep walking through life.

But climbing out
I cannot help but notice
That something has changed
And will never be the same. 

The guy who fell down
He is dead
But the man I am
Is entirely something else. 

His rope was cut
And he fell into a hole
A bottomless crack
Black as coal. 

Now I am the odd man
The one who thinks too much
Thinking too far ahead
And looking over my shoulder.  

The one who searches
And scans the crowd
Whispering to God
To save us all.  

No longer believing
What other people say
Now that I know
And now that I see. 

Crush it all
And throw it away
Every single thing
False, fake, and wasted.

All that matters
Is what we make it
Surviving and fulfilling
Every promise.

He will come
And he is closer than ever
Stronger than the world
Beautiful, perfect, and free.  

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Critical Mass

Criticality  8/24/2016

Criticality is here
And the earth
Slips under the weight
Lies upon lies
And intolerable.

It’s been a long time coming
The moon over the city
The sign of the times
Dark and foreboding. 

Powerful people
Huddle in rooms
Facing the inevitable
And plotting the end. 

Evil has murdered many
And now they do their worst
Covering up their crimes
With more.  

They cannot bear to lose
So now they lash out
Doubling back again
To savagely attack.

Determined to do
What it is
That they always wanted
Killing off the good
Any way they can. 

They know
As well as us
That nothing lasts forever
Even this
And even now. 

The world has awakened
And many now
Can see the reality
True now 
And true forever.  

Everything they said
And everything they did
All of it a lie
That was never true at all.

The world shakes
Under our feet
But the blessed are those
Who believe
Even under threat
And punishment. 

Let the truth come
And let us all be forgiven
For all we tried
And all we did.

Unafraid to the last
Upright and dead level
Standing strong
And faithful.