Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Rendezvous                                  7/5/2016

Nothing more
Than nothing
Another morning
Heavy with dread. 

Silent as a morning
Elevator ride
Heads down
Or heads up.

One foot in front of the other
The useless cogs
In an otherwise
Empty tomb. 

It comes with nausea
And it comes with pain
The slightly feverish melancholia
Of awareness
And lethargy.

It all goes on
Driven by need
All of us debt slaves
And gagged. 

Another day
Hunched at a desk
Procrastinating through
The wasted hours.

It’s hard to wake up
But it’s even harder to care
When everything you do
Is watered down
And wasted away.

And the rest
Is all decided in advance
In secret meetings
Behind closed doors.

Payments and promises
Threats and intimidation
Brokered and divided
To cheat and to steal.

Dictators mete out justice
But in the empire
Just means nothing at all
Just another abstract
To manipulate at will.  

The fix is in
But everything is fixed
With all hands on deck
In a narrative
Too big to fail.

The lie goes on
Snowballing down the hill
Growing larger and larger
In an avalanche of hatred.

Murderers laugh
And liars conspire
Awash with money
And swimming in blood. 

Riding high upon the beast
Naked in the sun
Evil rules
For an hour.

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