Monday, July 25, 2016


 Sheepish                            7/25/2016

I tried hard to make it
But it was already too late
Betrayed by a million lies
Hour by hour
Day by day.

By the time I felt the sting
The knife was in deep
Mortally wounded
And bleeding to death.

I had to watch it all
And feel it ebb away
All that I had tried
And all that I that I had loved.

In the end
I was nothing but an obstacle
To someone else’s comfort
A means to an end
To be removed and discarded.

It was all about money
And all about status
The kind so many covet
And kill for. 

Years have passed
And still I wait
Still the last
And still the least.

I did not know then
What it is
That I know now
That all debts are paid
Sooner or later.

Someone had to lose
For someone else to win
And jealous men
Will attack from behind. 

I was the sacrifice
Unaware and asleep
Too busy dreaming
To sense the mortal danger. 

Blind to the threat
Of a wolf in sheep’s clothing
Strange, mild, and weak
Greedy, heartless, and cruel.

Evil will never announce
His intentions
And evil will never
Fight fair.    

But rather he comes
Like a whisper in your ear
Playing upon our altruism
One step at a time. 

Attacking the innocent
And crushing the unprepared
He delights in murder
And rape.

He who cannot see
Is a fool for not knowing
The obvious warning
From right next door.

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