Thursday, July 7, 2016


Echolocation     7/7/2016

The inner wounds
Last the longest
Sometimes remaining dormant
For days, weeks, or years.

Flaring up
At the most
Inopportune moments
By the most mundane
Of cues. 

We survive
But carry it inside
Like a disease
That we can only spread.

Infecting others
By geographic proximity
Collateral damage
Mushrooming outwards.

We die a little each day
But somehow
We keep going
Either for good
Or for bad. 

And that is the key
And that is the antidote
The serum to crave
And drink.

We are the cure
In that we can turn it over
Turning the tables
Upside down. 

The flip side is the solution
That even hardship
Can lead to good
If we just turn it over
And see it all
The other way around.

Compressing the wounds
To stanch the bleeding
Spreading instead
The good within. 

Reversing the ripple
On over itself
And encouraging others
To do the same. 

Standing for something
Much greater than ourselves
Instead of falling victim
To the same old lies.

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