Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Charlotte Wore a Yellow Dress

Charlotte Wore a Yellow Dress     7/6/2016

Charlotte wore a yellow dress
On Peachtree Street
Or was it Fairleigh Poplar
Back when things were different
And so was I.

I was eating in a bistro
That is no longer there
Then still protected
And still safe. 

Young, selfish,
Angry and foolish
I was still a newbie
Asleep in my dreams. 

I had not yet learned
That the more you get
The more you want
And that the more you lose
The less you care.

The other Charlotte
Laughed in my backseat
Joking with her brother
Driving in circles. 

Anything but boring
She sticks out in my mind
A bright spot
On a sunny day. 

Time slid sideways
And an entire world
Pulled out from under
In the blink of an eye. 

Most of everything
We will forget
Nothing but a puff of smoke
Meaningless and dumb. 

The bland and the lifeless
It all melts away
No matter how self-important
Or self-absorbed.

But the bright flame burns
And remains full of fire
Long after the colors fade
And dreams disappear. 

I remember Charlotte
Burning bright
Two and the same
At different points in time. 

I will see you both
And laugh once again
Brighter than ever
The second time around. 

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