Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Frenzy                                                 7/12/2016

It only takes a little
And a trickle will do just fine
To troll the water with blood
And do what must be done.

The frenzied feeding comes
Just like you wanted
Thrashing and gorging
On anything in reach. 

Bottomless is the depravity
No matter how cruel
The cannibalistic ritual
Long remembered
With dread.

Vanquished not by words
But only with fury
Hunted down
To ensure survival. 

Day after day of reality
Will teach anyone the truth
If you have eyes to see
All around you everywhere.

A fool will make it fit
Lying to himself and others
Framing logic with a lie
Over and over again. 

Doubled down
And in denial
The fool puffs himself up
Full of arrogance and pride.

As useful a tool as any
For the powerful
To manipulate
And deploy. 

You could see it coming
From a million miles away
Everything in its time
Just before
Or just after. 

Closer now
Than yesterday
The end of the beginning
Burned to a stubble
And gone forever. 

But we who know
Are baptized under fire
Learning what to do
And how to watch. 

Leaning upon
The whole of the words
And not just a line
Unafraid, determined,
Awake, and aware. 

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