Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The Web

The Web           7/6/2016

If you ever felt worthless
Then maybe you would know
What it means to be abandoned
And live all alone. 

It is not something you forget
And it is not something you understand
Because how can anyone explain
What is unexplainable
And inhuman. 

The truth is often buried
And what we see and hear
Is only an excuse
A shallow hook
Trolled in our face.

Whatever they think
Others might believe
Something they can defend. 
Or deflect. 

But beneath the surface
Lives the true horror
As people compromise themselves
Into corners
Inescapable and damned. 

It does not happen overnight
And it does not happen on a whim
But rather in the tiniest of steps
Day by day
And hour by hour.   

One lie leads to another
As emotions unravel
Pulling us in
With mutually assured sorrow.   

Promise upon promise
And lie upon praise
All of it for comfort
And all of it for money.   

Only awakened
After it is too late
In too deep
And unable to escape. 

The spider poisons
And spins around the zombie
Sucking out its blood
Motionless and bound.

Today is another day
And I sit in isolation
Alone in my thoughts
Heavy with grief. 

As colorless world
Groans outside my window
As others like us
Like their wounds. 

It drew her in
And it lied every day
Because I didn’t know
And could not see. 

I tried to get her free
But the spider had to win
Anything to fill the void
Inside of its soul. 

Today it gambles
And today it lies
Striving against the light
In the dark night of death. 

But in this gamble
The tables will turn
And it will also suffer
Crushed by the heel.  

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