Thursday, April 28, 2016


 Tactile                                   4/28/2016

We mark time
And celebrate its passage
A flattened point on a ruler  
Stretched out
And into space. 

We walk the journey
The same in the beginning
As it is in the end
Coming and going
From darkness to light.

Randomly selected
But carefully planned
Conceived at an intersection
Known in advance. 

The past is brought forward
And remembered in the cells
The secrets of our fathers
Buried in the past. 

It took the longest time
For me to understand
That far more is hidden
Than we can ever see.   

And it took suffering
For me to appreciate
Peace without forgiveness
And contentment
Without victory. 

There is an answer
But it does not come
Through effort or words
Only apparent
When fully immersed.

No longer troubled
Over nothing
And no longer a prisoner
Of my emotions.

We will live
Even if the world dies
As we take our place
Where we always belonged.

The pain will be forgotten
And our enemies
And unhonored. 

My skin is electric
And a shiver
Goes up my spine
As I sense not only horror
But victory
Final and complete. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Emulsion                             4/26/2016

I was born
At the beginning
Of an ending
A brief emulsion of light
Hidden in the dark. 

A spark was given
That I could not have deserved
A gift of eternity
Breathed into my soul. 

The world suffocates
And the world gives weight
The kind pulling us down
Deep in the dirt. 

The call of death is strong
But the light
Will always be stronger
Driving us on
The long way around. 

The cost is great
And so also, we have failed
Rolling over
Asleep in a day dream. 

I did not even know
And now, I know even less
Empty but for the certainty
That life conquers death. 

I was protected
In the dark
As my bones grew together
Incubating in the safety
Far away from here. 

But time waits for no one
And it did not wait for me
As the protective layers
And all melted away. 

Exposed and wounded
I had to learn to crawl
Long before
I could hold my head up
And walk.

It hurt to lose
But it also hurts to win
Because comfort
Can only teach complacency
And hardship
Only bitterness.    

I could have given up
A million times before
As I drowned in despair
Abandoned and alone. 

I wonder at the before
The time I never knew
Captured in stills
And the lost
Silent films. 

Distant messages
Crying out in space
Farther and farther away
Beautiful and remote. 

More lost
Than known
Once kindled
In a secret slice. 

It will all come back
From the hidden quarter
Felt long before seen
With faith
And longing. 

Life Expectancy

Life Expectancy                                4/26/2016

How long
Can it go on
As we wait for nothing
Shrinking, falling  
And slowly dissolving. 

Tethered to time
And weighed by gravity
Prisoners on a planet
Confined and alone.

Worn down
And haggard
We give in
And we give up.

Drowning ourselves
Just to forget 
All that we had
And all that we lost.

All for a hoax
And all for a lie
The difference between  
Contentment and despair.

But if we must
It’s better to die living
Standing on two feet
Instead of crawling
On four.    

Because many are fools
And many are dumb
Led by the nose
Since the age of five. 

Bread to lie down
And conditioned to obey
And unloved.    

The ghosts
And the vampires
Sleep on the moon
Hidden on the dark side
Cold and remote. 

They wait also
To fly in the shadows
Swooping down
With dripping mouths.

Bright red
And deepest purple
The lost memories
Circling our heads. 

Always present
And forever haunting
The irretrievable loss
Sudden and sharp. 

Stolen, wasted
Dumb and deaf
One dimensional images
Lost to time. 

Given for a moment
And then erased away
The glimpse of beauty
Captured in amber. 

Let it all unravel
And let it all blow away
The incalculable loss
Of centuries of love. 

Spread it out
Across the gulags
Where dreams go to die
Built by acquiescence
And preserved with neglect. 

The dying began
And now it snowballs
Just like they wanted
Hopeless and discouraged.

Sold out, betrayed
And mocked at will  
They laugh as they kill us
You, him, and me. 

It was written
And now it is done
As the few grow fewer
And blood runs thick. 

The powerful
Want sheep
And the hateful
Want death. 

The elect chased down
And hunted for sport
Betrayed by their fathers
And murdered by the sons.

Some will perish
But some will survive
All joined together
At the perfect
Place and time.

Friday, April 22, 2016


 Intersection                  4/22/2016

You can always hit the gas
But if you have done it blind
You will never again
Crippled, lucky, or dead.

No pain killer
Can stop it
The lethal nexus of will
And intent
Suffocating the good
One drop at a time.

Like I said before
There are no accidents
Neither in life
Or Russian Roulette
One in the chamber
Or one in your head.

Once it was a trickle
But now it’s a flood
All of it on purpose
Cruel, hateful and dumb.

God gave us a brain
But it’s a shame
We do not use it
Lukewarm and dull
Fearful, meek and bland.

Giving in
And giving up
We slowly kill ourselves
When all we ever had to do
Was say no. 

He said to turn your cheek
But never to stretch out your neck
As we mildly roll over
Cough twice and die.

Exposing our children
To every kind of horror
A monstrous red terror
Guaranteed to spread.

Afraid of words
And afraid of reputation
In a world turned upside down
Dying and doomed.

See them smile
And see them laugh
Mocking the honest
And insulting the good. 

Calling evil good
And good evil
The powerful bought
And the fearful

Ever bolder
And ever more brazen
As the clock dwindles down
Half passed midnight. 

Beware the desperate
And beware the evil
Far worse than you can imagine
And breathing down our neck.

For many a man
Has betrayed himself
By doubting the obvious
From below
And behind. 

Whatever may happen
Know this for sure
That evil men knew
Vain, hateful,
Jealous, and cruel. 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Time and Place

Time and Place                    4/21/2016

Another day is wasted
Thinking of nothing at all
Distracted ten different directions
Just skimming the surface
And ripe for a fall.

Desperate people
Do desperate things
Sunken down into depression
And killing themselves.

You can do it fast
Or you can do it slow
Just by giving up
And going with the flow. 

We try hard to keep going
But sometimes we fail
Flipping over backwards
And chasing our tails.

I drank it all away
Until I could take no more
Eating out my stomach
Naked on the floor. 

How many suffer
Right here and right now
Alone in their rooms
Too tired to care.  

Slurring their words
And veering off the walk
Afraid of the sunlight
And ashamed of themselves.  

The horror will haunt you
If you have seen it yourself
The sour taste of regret
Eating at your soul.

Yes I was foolish  
But I was also angry
Giving in to my emotions
For no reason at all. 

Blind to the consequences
Of each and every decision
Sleep walking off a cliff
Dead to the world. 

The ghosts are coming
But first they fill our heads
Whispering in our thoughts
Doubt, regret, and fear. 

One life mirrors the whole
And the whole reflects our fate
Teetering on false hope
And genuine terror. 

True enemies
Always come in false friends
Beware now more than ever
Date, name, and place.