Thursday, December 10, 2015

Silent Night

Silent Night                      12/10/2015

A dark night descends
So you better lock your doors
Lest a snake enter
And strike you on the head. 

It is sad
That we have forgotten
And it is a horror
That we still sleep. 

Hiding under the covers
And whistling in the dark
In hopes that someone else
Will do, what must be done. 

Life is a gift
And children are a blessing
So what kind of fool?
Would forget
And not protect

I look at them
And they look at me
A generation lost
And lied to
Every day. 

Do we love so little
That we dare not speak
Or do we only covet
The good opinion
Of mediocre men? 

What is money?
And what is a reputation?
Nothing at all
Compared to life and love.

The easy smiles of friends
And the comfort of temporary approval
Are lost at the smallest inconvenience
And were never true at all. 

Man has his way
And he loves himself
Most of all
Foolish at his best
And savage at his worst.

Beware the easy going lies
And beware the double minded excuses
Because the truth is straight as a razor
Intention, motivation, disaster, and death.

Search it out
And follow every lead
Who is doing what?
When, where and how?

The snake
Eats his own
But he also hates you and me
The tail and the head
Lying through his tongue.

Not random
And not an accident
Everything and everyone
Loved or hated.

It is the season for joy
And it is the season for love
But the nights will never again
Be silent
Like they once were before. 

Sixty three starts the game
And it is played on still
Sacrificed by evil men
And scourged on a hill.

God loves his children
And that is why they hate
Coming now and coming for
What they can never be. 

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