Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Orange slice

Orange Slice 12/15/2015

The hurt does not end
But sometimes
It goes to sleep
Dormant and numb.

And it’s hard to tell
If it’s good or bad
Because humility is priceless
And pride a curse.

I thought I was smart
And I thought I was cool
Above and beyond
An immortal knight
Of a kingdom without end.

Stabbed through the heart
From the back to the front
It was only then that I could see
What I really was.

Words can injure
And words can scar
Her mouth full of razors
Burning like acid
In my eye.

It made me feel worthless
Useless and dead
That I could be so casually discarded
Over nothing at all.  

This world is fake
And man he forgets
Saved and forgiven
Over and over again. 

I watched her live
And I watched her forget
Living and laughing
Like I have never lived at all. 

Foolishly running
Headlong off a cliff
Giving herself over
Devalued and dumb. 

But isn’t that life
And isn’t that the norm
As we all buy what they are selling
Superficial, shallow
Wasted and dumb. 

I came to an end
Killed off like a character
In a mediocre soap
A one dimensional prop
Used and forgotten.

I had to think
And I had to ponder
How we could be so smart
And yet so profoundly dumb.

I watch them from afar
And I let them pass me by
Close enough to touch
And yet a million miles away. 

Stretching and falling
Squirming and climbing
Pursuing all their ambitions
All for nothing
But dust in a tomb.

I can hear their voices
In tiny snippets of sound
The small talk of fish
Swimming in a tank. 

Our mouths opening and closing
And darting here and there
Prisoners in a box
Of four dimensions square. 

I still love
And I can even love her
Muted and distant
Like echoes under water.

It all comes around
And so also do I
In or out of water
Equally alive
And painfully aware. 

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