Thursday, December 24, 2015

French Horns

French Horns                                          12/24/2015

Perfect as a snowflake
Swirling around her face
Falling almost unnoticed
One among many
Numberless and solitary.    

We are suspended for a moment
And captured on glass
Cataloged, photographed
Miraculous and unique. 

Perfect in  imperfection
We sparkle for a time
Diamonds on velvet
Holding and transducing 
Everything and everyone.   

A miracle of beauty
Tender and soft
The incredible gift
Frozen in time. 

We remember the colors
And we remember the taste
Of deepest satisfaction
And triumphant joy.

Contented in the knowledge
That we are saved
In faith undefeated 
And in sacrifice,

No matter how long
We still remember 
Imprinted forever,
Now that we see
And now that we know. 

Precious gifts
At peace in the night
Showering us with stars
And bathing us in light.

Even now the angels sing
In joyful victory
Death and sin conquered
For once and for all.  

No matter what
The Lord has won
So let us all be glad
More determined than ever
Humble, thankful, and strong.  

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