Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Shop Talk

Shop Talk                                                      12/8/2015

The wheels are off the apple card
And the grapes are in the press
Crushed and bleeding
At first a trickle
And then a flood. 

If one stood up
Who would stand behind?
Unafraid of hatred
And certain punishment. 

Fear kills many
And it will kill more
Snarling like a dog
Cornered and deadly. 

Desperate to savage
As many as he can
And furious with rage.

But the light has not gone out
And darkness has not won
In spite of every effort
And monstrous lies. 

The dots have connected
And the collusion exposed
For anyone and everyone
To watch and to see. 

The fake games go on
As each player strives
But now we know the score
Staged, fake, and dumb.

All on one side
And we on the other
Used and manipulated
To shop and to drop. 

Rotten to the core
The vanity of men
A thinly disguised
Reptilian hatred
Obvious and vile.

Fools sleep
And scream at each other
Oblivious to the coils
Tensing round their neck. 

But pray for the good
The unshakable few
Faithful no matter what
Unbreakable and true. 

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