Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Pink Tinsel

Pink Tinsel            12/15/2015

It doesn’t make any sense
But here we are anyway
An irregular bunch of misfits
Star crossed
And hung together. 

Plucked out
Of where we were
And thrown into the fire
Burned down to nothing
And rising from the ashes.

Life is short
But we have today
And love is precious
So let’s live it anyway.  

The truth sparkles
In my glass
Bigger than me
And bigger than life.

Let it breathe
And let it live
Refreshing every molecule
From the inside out.

Glitter becomes stardust
And tinsel drips
Like ice cycles
Precious as a snowflake
Suspended in a dream. 

Words have power
And they have killed me
Many times
But today let them fall
Shinning like jewels.

Reflecting everything we are
Or ever hope to be
In a sheer blast of beauty
Authentic, original,
And free. 

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